SVA Gallery

SVA Visual Arts Gallery
Date of Field Project: 29 September 2014

The SVA Visual Arts Gallery is located on 601 West 26th Street and on the 15th floor. The work being represented is The master series: Tom Geismar. Immediately entering the gallery, all the logos that he created is on the right hand side.




The class immediately began to point out which logos they recognize. Chase, Mobile, Xerox, NYU, and Rockefeller Center were all recognizable. I was very surprised that he designed the United Nations logo. Also displayed was all of his sketches on one logo, Burlington Industries. It showed his thought process and it was done all done on tracing paper. There are hundreds of concept designs for one logo.


The next two rooms had his graphic design and typography work. The Chocolate Yum poster was interesting. He placed one type on top of another and it was still readable. There is a large contrast between the two type faces by using a very thing type face and a thick, almost solid type face. The colors definitely represented chocolate.


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