4 DEC and 5 DEC

4 DEC and 5 DEC

This week is my last week at 3rd Lounge INC. I didn’t do much work this week. My supervisor gave an exit interview and I gave my thoughts and experiences at 3rd Lounge INC.

What I wanted to learned during my internship:
– I wanted to know more about how the animation process works and where I would fit in. Obviously that was not going to happen. I am interning at a motion graphics studio so the animation was very basic. There was very little knowledge on animation process.

What I actually learned during my internship:
– Since 3rd Lounge INC is a motion graphics studio, I learned a little about motion graphics. Like film and animation, there is a standard format sizes that everyone uses. There is a lot more use of type then I thought there was going to be.
– I got refreshed on After Effects. It had been a year since I opened the program back up. I also started to use Adobe Audition and Premiere Pro. Audition is used to edit sound and Premiere Pro is used to cut up video.
– I also got introduced to setting up a studio used for shooting video and photography.

That is the general idea of what I said during my exit interview. Overall I don’t believe this internship wasn’t such a waste of time as I thought it might have been.

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