3rd Lounge Inc.

3rd Lounge Inc. is a multimedia production company. Most of their work is motion graphics and video based. They have small section dedicated to animation. The animation department is where I fit in. Ryan Wilsion is the creative director and the founder of 3rd Lounge Inc. He is also a motion graphics artist. The company is a relatively small. Just about everyone is freelance and only the people in charge are staffed. At most there are 12 employees at one time and the least is 5. They are not a publicly traded company. They are located in Hempstead, NY.

Through a mutual friend is how I got the internship at 3rd Lounge Inc. There was no interview process and I was put to work right away. Dressing for work is very casual. There is no dress code and the studio felt less like a office and more like working in a friends apartment. Unfortunately I am not able to post the work that I have completed up online. Ryan doesn’t want to breach the contract with his client.

3rd Lounge Inc. website

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