30 OCT 2014 and 31 OCT 2014

Date 30 OCT 2014 and 31 OCT 2014

Most of the work that I did this week is for another project. Since I am an intern my additional duties are to help out wherever I can (and of course the basic duties of an intern. Clean up the office, take out the trash, move equipment, etc). I was tasked to help setup cameras and lights for shooting video. I don’t have much experience with cameras and lights so this was different for me. The software aspect was very new to me. I have no idea what programs were used but I got the basic understand of how and why the lights and cameras are in certain positions. We had to test multiply angels to get the best views. I felt the hardest part was getting the lighting correct. Having too many lights or have it too bright will wash out the subject(s) or not enough and everything will look too dark. Having taken a course in photography before did help with having some insight with lighting. Overall I think this was a good learning experience.

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