Problem 2



For Problem #2, we had to create a raked stage with a front and back step unit which can be switched between two different shows –a concert and talent show. Both shows required the facing and stairs to be matte black, but the concert wanted the floor to be painted glossy black. Together as a team, our definition of the problem was to use stock platforms and using the scenery crew during tech hours to minimize the total cost of our materials and time. Based on this, we decided to use triscuits with stud walls, since the stock platforms in the shop are triscuits. The main issues that were at stake was figuring out the quantity and size of the stock triscuits in the shop, as well as figuring out the layout of the platforms.

Since I was responsible for the platform layout, I approached a few problems that could’ve caused us to create extra stud walls. Majority of the stud walls were going horizontal to the front steps, however, based on the way that I laid out the platforms, there would have been two extra stud walls going vertically to the steps. This is going in the opposite route of our problem definition. I also realized that my entire layout was going in the wrong direction of the stud walls. I had to rotate my entire design 90 degrees to the right so the ends of the triscuits matched up with the ends of the stud walls. All of this could’ve been avoided if I spoke to my teammate who was designing the construction drawings for the stud walls.

Another problem that came to light was that I never factored the painting of the deck for the calendar. Though the painting would’ve been included with the construction of the platforms once completed. As far as the calendar, I scheduled the construction of the custom platforms during tech hours –basing this off from last semesters Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30-5:30. There will be a total of six calls based on tech productions hours, and two extra calls on Saturdays. I factored in extra time because not everyone in the crew would probably be experienced in scenery construction. All in all, we met our problem definition despite the setbacks.


This problem can relate to many real-world situations, such as creating construction drawings, scheduling, planning, and budgeting for a show and/or scene shop. One of the things I didn’t closely look at was the scheduling of the hours for the construction of the custom platforms. Instead of using my prior knowledge of knowing how many people and how much time it’ll take to construct a platform, I estimated instead. I assumed what would’ve been the appropriate amount of man hours rather than figuring out the labor per piece. In the real world, you would want to calculate how much time and how many people it’ll take in order to have a solid plan. If this was a paid job, there could be a chance that people will getting paid to do nothing, or paying too many people that could’ve used just a few.


While working on the project, I realized that I have to be more mindful with scheduling. If I would’ve thought more into the planning, then I would’ve realized that having six calls plus two extra weekend calls, with a crew of 10 people would’ve been too much. Since we didn’t have a set budget for this project, having more crew and hours would’ve have been a problem. But if we did, this could’ve taken a huge chunk of our budget. For the next problem, I would pay more attention to the scheduling of calls and how many people to have on a crew.
