Project Description

Within my studies in the Entertainment Technology major, I have learned many aspects of scenery. Such as, drafting, construction, and the basics of being a technical director. Upon graduation, I would hope to improve my craft within scenery construction by acquiring a job within the field. My main goal after graduation is to become an assistant technical director and eventually a technical director, as I do aspire to be more involved in the managerial side of technical direction.

As my culmination project, I will be the student TD for the Spring Theatreworks production of KEVIN!!!!! by Recent Cutbacks. Done with live projections, KEVIN!!!!! is a puppet version of the classic movie “Home Alone.” Throughout this project I will be responsible for the budget, drafting, scheduling, and overseeing the construction and load-in of the scenery.

Becoming the student technical director for the spring show would help me gain more knowledge and hands on experience of what it means to be a TD, as well as improving my skills in planning, budgeting, and communication between the director and design team.


