Who am I.

My name is Evens, I’m 19 years old in my 2nd year in college and this is my first year in the Law and Paralegal studies. At first I was in the CST (Computer Systems Technology) major and then in August I made the switch to Law. One of the main reasons I made the switch was because CST wasn’t for me and I really didn’t have much fun doing it when I first tried it. I’ve always had some interest in the Law field, and now this major is my strong suit. I’ve always wanted to either be a cop or be a lawyer growing up as a kid. During my free time I like listening to music and watching sports.

Who I Am

Hi everyone! My name is Brandon Jackson. As far as my personal hobbies, I enjoy spending time with friends and family, listening to music (particularly 90s and 2000s R&B) and sewing. I’ve recently become skillful at using a standard sewing machine, embroidery machine and serger. I am in the process of starting a business where I plan to produce and sell protective hair garments, such as scarves, du-rags, bonnets, etc, so stay tuned everyone!

As far as school, I initially wanted to be a social worker when I started college, but then after getting some hands on experience with housing outreach and case management for the chronically homeless population, I drifted from those endeavors and switched to Law and Paralegal Studies. I think Law is interesting because of how it challenges and sharpens our minds, and I think everyone should have some foundation of legal knowledge, at minimum, as it pertains to human rights and responsibilities. I haven’t decided which area of law I’m interested in focusing on, but some possible contenders are Criminal Law and Family Law, but even those are subject to change.

I’m super excited to expand my comprehension and consciousness of the law during this course and all the others to come during my journey at City Tech. As much as I enjoy online learning, I do hope to return to school one day to gain the opportunity to meet some of my peers and professors.


Looking forward to a successful semester for all of us!

Who I Am- Ariana

Hi! My name is Ariana Figueroa and I am a sophomore at City Tech. Although this is my second year at City Tech its my first year pursuing the Law and Paralegal program. When I first started my goal was to be in the Radiology program, but I quickly realized that I didn’t like the medical field and so I began to look at other programs at City Tech. As I started to learn more I discovered that I really liked the structure of paralegal work. I think that is what appealed to me the most about law. In the future, I’m still not sure specifically what area of law I’d like to work in but I am excited to learn more and see what interests me the most. As for my free time, I like reading, listening to music, crocheting, and staying home 🙂

I’m looking forward to learning about you all and hopefully meeting each other in person in future semesters!



Who Am I

Hello!! My name is Mackenzie Bowman and I am a freshman here at City Tech!! Even though I have never been on the campus itself because of the pandemic, but I am excited that we still have the opportunity to meet and learn over zoom! I decided to major in paralegal because law has always been something that is interesting to me. We used to have a visiting teacher every Friday in the 5th grade that would come and teach us about the law, and I always looked forward to it. I also had law classes all throughout middle school. I always desired to do something that interested me, and the law is one such thing!
As for hobbies, I absolutely love anything and everything in the arts. I love to sing, dance, and play instruments, mainly piano! I’ve grown up doing all of these things, and I really can’t imagine my life without them.   I also love to travel and do anything that is new and exciting! I can’t wait until it is safe to travel again so that I can do this more!!!                                 I also love to do a lot of volunteer work helping to bring a positive message into people’s lives. Its because of this that I chose to be a paralegal specifically , so that I could have more time to do my volunteer work!

I am so excited to be in the class with all of you and am looking forward to a great semester!

Who Am I?

Hello All! My name is Daniella but everyone that knows me calls me Yella. I am in the Law and Paralegal program because my dream career is to become an attorney and to help people. I have tons of support because like my fiancé tells me “You just like to argue, now you want a license to do it” and I always hit him with the “You know it! I may not be right but I am never wrong”. City tech was my choice of college for many reasons well first is that the legal program is recognized by the ABA (big plus) and my parents come to city tech (my fiancé graduated from here too). Even though, I have not physically step into the building, I am happy to be part of this college and hope one day to go into. I am a mother of two crazy children Mia (10) and Myles (3) they are my reason for returning to school after a long time of holding it off. I can not fight the good fight with a 10 year about the importance of continuing your education if I stopped myself many years ago. So after ten years I returned, I didn’t stick my toe in to check the water just cannonball back in and I am excited.

Who I Am!

Hello my name is Nyiah Joseph and something you should know about me is that I love to do many things at once I don’t like to focus my attention to just one project or idea, I think there’s too much to learn in this world so why limit yourself to just one thing. I also love any form of art, I can draw, sing,/and have been told I’m  a  good photographer

I am a sophomore, I chose Law and Paralegal studies as my major because I’ve always had an interest from a very young age. I wanted to be a Officer but then I realized there was a possibility of me getting hurt so here we are. As well as I think it is super important to know the law especially as a POC. Many of us lack this knowledge, not because we don’t want to learn but because were never given the opportunity. I would use the knowledge that I’ve gained here in all my entrepreneurial endeavors, I also would love to start a non profit that teaches the youth on the law and how by design it is often used against them And giving them the power to combat that with this knowledge use it to their advantage.

Who I Am!

I am Kerin Coughlin, the instructor of these courses. I am in the Law and Paralegal Studies program because it’s my job!  I chose it as my job because I love law, and I love teaching. Many moons ago, I was a junior high school Social Studies teacher, then I became a lawyer, then I started teaching law part time while I was practicing law full time, and guess what? I realized I liked my part-time job better than my full-time job. So I switched it up, and thankfully I found this great position at City Tech. I’ve been teaching here for six years now.

Something I want you to know about me is that I love my cats. They’re brothers, and they’re both named Darryl which makes my life easier. You’ll hear me talk about them a lot, and I’ll probably bore you with pictures of them. Here’s one that’s a few years old but they still pretty much look the same, except fatter:

I look forward to working with you and getting to know you all this semester, in these crazy circumstances!


Prof. C.