Monthly Archives: December 2013

Assignment 6

Create an image map, using a 15” x 15” x 1.5” box, and following the definition reviewed in class (for review see


Here are some key points to be aware of for this project:

  1. A full video tutorial series on 3 axis machining your parts is available on the Vimeo channel at NYCCTfab.
  2. Everyone should import the new Standard Roland Pallet into their Rhino files, available here:!equipmentcncmachining/c7s5
  3. Everyone should be importing the Basic Roland Tool Set into their RhinoCAM Machining Objects Browser and using those tools for all tool paths, also available from
  4. Everyone should download the NYCCT Roland Post File (also from and link it to their RhinoCAM file using the Post Object within the RhinoCAM Machining Operations Browser.
  5. Everyone can sign up for a 3 hour time slot here: (no jobs should take more than 3 hours!)
  6. Before machining you will need your tool path approved by Brian or a CNC CLT – to schedule a review of your tool paths email me with your availability – the sooner the better.

Bring the following to your appointment:

    1. plan view of your part on the pallet with dimensions and annotated screw locations
    2. front view of your part on the pallet with dimensions and annotated screw locations
    3. excel spreadsheet with critical toolpath info (sample attached in email 12/7/13)

Python Designalyze Video Assignment

Hopefully you enjoyed the Intro to Python #HourofCode lecture today. To reinforce your understanding of python scripting in rhino, we are asking you to watch and follow along with videos 0-6 on designalyze. There will be a quiz on the content on Friday.

Designalyze Python Scripting Videos

Also if you want to view the #HourofCode video from today’s class you can find it here.