Monthly Archives: October 2013

DIVA Examples

The links to the student examples of DIVA projects from last semester can be found at:




DIVA Based Components Intro

The video for the content covered in class is at: about two-thirds of the way down. It is titled Week 5 DIVA Based Components. For Friday, please submit either the workflow in the video, or better yet, your design put into the DIVA solar irradiation analysis.

Homework Details For This Tuesday

For this Tuesday’s class, besides advancing your sunscreen designs, prepare brief research on 1) the concept of solar insolation, and 2) sun screen precedents.

1.  Bring one or two paragraphs of research on solar insolation. Some questions include: what are the units in which insolation is measured, what are comfortable levels of sun intensity? Feel free to include diagrams as well as text (format: Word or PowerPoint/equivalent).

2. Also, bring at least two images of sunscreens that have been designed in the past 50 years. Include a few sentences describing what makes these screens effective in blocking the sun’s heat (format: Word/ PowerPoint).


For next Tuesday’s class, in order to further your knowledge of the background of Grasshopper, we are asking you to prepare Flashcards on Quizlet ( for the following mathematical terms. This much praised app works on mobile devices and computers, and allows you to create your own flashcard decks that can include images, be shared, and include games for studying—as well as being accessible from anywhere.

(Extra credit will be given for the 5 most creative flashcard sets).

  • IntegerFloating Point
  • Significant Digits
  • NURBS / Control Point Curve
  • Interpolated Curve
  • Domain / Parametric Space
  • Geometric Continuity (G0 Positional, G1 Tangential, G2 Curvature)
  • Mathematical Curve
  • Sine Wave / Sinusoid
  • Reparameterization
  • Pythagorean Theorem
  • Vectors
  • Standard Basis / Unit Vectors (i 1,0,0 j 0,1,0 k 0,0,1)
  • Cross Product
  • Right-hand Rule
  • Vector Decomposition
  • Radians
  • Ruled Surface
  • Instantiation / Discretization
  • Rationalization


Revised Standard Hotel Rhino File Now Available

Click here to access the file via Dropbox:

Standard Hotel Rhino File