Leibowitz and Erizku


Annie Leibowitz made an image that celebrated pregnancy with Moore’s courage on showing how she is still beautiful with pregnancy. This photo was the first mass-media picture to sexualize pregnancy. The photograph was used for provocative magazine cover, and purpose was to change the culture even it was a relatively private affair. Use of lighting was rembrandt light, and low background light to pop-out the subject more to the viewer. The highlight on her face and the gestures that she made, does show the power of the emotion or the message of the content.

Awol Erizku went to the next level on his career when he became the photographer behind the most-liked Instagram post, from Beyonce. The composition is made out o floral arrangement, wearing an underwear and a green veil to best showcase her impressive baby bump. The use of lighting was broad light. But also we can see that Erizku used hair light, background light, because there is no shadows which does not make any contrast in the image. The difference from Lebowitz’s photo is, Erizku made the contrast with other elements which are surrounded Beyonce and also with colors.

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