Chelsea Galleries

At Aperture the the exhibit was called “Prison Nation”, where each photograph tells us about what prison life is like on the inside and what its like being on the outside. One of the pics that caught my attention was called “The GreenHouse Program”, which was shot by Lucas Foglia. It shows two female prisoners playing around while watering the greenery. The light looks like its diffused a little bit. This was shot by the rules of thirds in a way. Even though their in prison they get special privileges which gives them a warm smile and to have fun. The next gallery is called the Benrubi Gallery and the exhibition there is called “Leaning Out” by the photographer Jeffrey Milstein. Most of the photos I’ve seen were mostly aerial overview which is very rare for anyone to capture at such a high angle. Some of the overview shots showed patterns of repetition and also rule of thirds in a few of his pics. David Zwirner is the last gallery on the trip. “Scenes from the Blackout” is the last exhibition which goes way back in 2003 which was a good yet crazy year for me then. The photo I liked the most was when the guy is stuck in the elevator. I believe it was called “Solitaire”. Yes I know its the worst rotten luck to get stuck in an elevator during a blackout. But that didn’t stop because he was entertaining himself by playing with cards with a lit candle on the side. This was a over head shot. While he is entertaing himself out of boredom he keeps looking at that little as if it is the symbol of hope to never give up.

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About Justin Jackson

I have always been inspired by art from when I was a little kid to now. It really catches my attention. I seen art in many types of forms: cooking, music, graffiti, dancing, painting, and etc. There are unlimited possibilities of how art is expressed. It even sets a mood in motion for people to understand one another. That is why I want to be an artist. An artist’s salary is around $44,000 a year which is not bad since it is a field you would love to pursue in. You get to work in big open spaces like warehouses, studios in office buildings, and lofts. Most of the time artists work part-time which is kind of convenient for me because I have a job that is not related to this field but it could work well with my schedule.

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