1. Title: Wild tulips Flaming flowers that brightly blaze

Summary: Tulips are one of our most familiar flowers. These perennial herbaceous bulbiferous geophytes (yes, really) bring a welcome splash of spring colour to our gardens and kitchen tables. There are over 3,000 varieties of cultivated tulip. Tulips also have tremendous cultural significance for the people of Central Asia. In Kyrgyzstan, they feature in urban displays and within the designs of traditional handmade shyrdak rugs.

Link: https://www.fauna-flora.org/species/wild-tulips/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwte-vBhBFEiwAQSv_xbfWyZAzXrlR9fNt-hO-ItrBMOC6zk7ydeYo4MZ3t9fDr0LcZk92CBoCXOQQAvD_BwE


Title:Coffee Houses of Old New York

Summary: How Coffee’s Global Influence Impacted America’s Foundations



Title: The Tale of Peter Rabbit

Summary: “The Tale of Peter Rabbit” recounts the mischievous adventures of a young rabbit named Peter as he navigates the challenges of the natural world. Through Peter’s escapades in Mr. McGregor’s garden, the story teaches valuable lessons about disobedience, responsibility, and the consequences of one’s actions. Despite facing perilous situations, Peter’s indomitable spirit and determination captivate readers, making this classic tale a timeless favorite for generations.
