LL4-Pattern, Point of view, Rule of Thirds

Post a small version of your best photo taken in class today with a short description of why it is visually engaging. What makes it a strong photo?

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Scavenger Hunt

IMG_0300I picked this picture because it creates sense of abstraction. The contrast between the lights and dark is very strong and it adds to the drama. Also I like when a photo is shot or zoomed in from close.

I think me and my group worked very well because we were very open to photographing anything even if we didn’t expect it to look good or appealing, we had to see it for ourselves. This photo in fact came out much more dramatic than we expected and we all liked it.

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Group 1: Scavenger Hunt


I liked this photograph best from the rest because its different. You can see a photo within a photo. My group and I were trying to capture the concept of technology. Nowadays phones are the biggest source of usage among us. I think that our group worked really well together because we all got along and were able to come up with some great ideas for the scavenger hunt.

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Scavenger Hunt

Working as a group is always a good idea, I get to see the ways my classmates approach things when doing the assignment. I think we worked really well,  we all took photos before agreeing which of all worked better for each on the list.





This image for example. Taken by classmate Rafal, unlike the one I took of this; his had a better angle and focus. I believe it follows the criteria, might not be obvious to be a fierce photo, but I think that’s what makes it better in the sense of what does the viewer thinks when looking at it and such. As said in class it is as if he is seconds from setting the alarm, a bit dramatic in my opinion. And that’s why I picked this one out of the others we took.

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LL 3- Scavenger Hunt Experience

While working on this photoshoot, this gave me a lot of good experience with working with a group. I feel that we all engaged in an orderly matter, and all of us gave constructive feedback with the photos when needed. We didn’t have a problem with choosing the best photos, and we gave positive feedback and ways we can improve while observing our photographs.


This photo, in my opinion, follows the photo criteria well because it follows a headshot of one of our classmates. Not only that, but it also makes it engaging because of the composition and framing. The person is the one that visually stands out from the photo, and makes it mysterious, seeming on how you can’t see her eyes. In terms of composition, it follows a triangle pattern from down to her shoulders to her head,  and shows a great contrast from figure to ground.

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ll3- scavenger hunt


This photo illustrates the use of leading lines perfectly. The angle in which the photo was taken makes the lines stand out ever more. The line under the name is also important and sets the mood for the leading lines. The letters top creates an imaginary line that also catches the viewers eye. The letters also go from largest to smallest, creating depth and perspective.

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Paul Paulino – LL3



I feel that as a group, we did a good job finding interesting photos. Each of us wanted to get as many items as much as possible. We also wanted as much light as possible.

This photo matches with the Silhouette item very well. It’s very effective with the shadows. The most interesting point about this photo was the angle, coming from the camera shooting down, which does make everything skewed.

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Scavenger Hunt

IMG_1325 I really like the humor in the picture. The topic is good and since Patrick’s mouth is opened we decided to “feed” him. The picture also has rules of third with Patrick being on the side.

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Open/Close: Scavenger Hunt

Open/CloseThe reason I picked this photo is because it shows us very little negative space in the open lockers. You can see the leading lines. Its a little different but it draws your attention. This was a medium shot.

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class post


I chose to share this image because it looks like the two shadows where captured in a dance of the shadows. They look like they’re communicating, and the rule of thirds was also applied to this photo.

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