Category Archives: Learning Logs

shutter speed-group

  The shutter speed for this photograph is 2″ what this means is that when the camera takes a photograph it will open its shutter for a certain time. What I liked about this photograph was that it captured my … Continue reading

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Motion Blur

 In my own words shutter speed means the way you can capture an image in motion using the length of time the camera’s shutter is open. This photo is visually engaging because the flash of the two cell phones creates … Continue reading

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Paul Paulino – Shutter Speed

  Shutter speed is the camera setting that controls how long the shutter opens and closes, affecting how motion is captured. This photo is interesting to me is because of not only the difference in scale with the people and … Continue reading

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Shutter Speed

Shutter speed is the speed or time that the shutter opens for the photo and then closes. The photo I chose was a photo of myself jumping. The shutter speed was on 0.6″. I believe the photo is visually engaging … Continue reading

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Haunted Hall

Shutter Speed is the amount of time the camera allows to capture an image. This photo had a shutter speed of 0.6. I find this image visually appealing because the focus being on me creates an illusion of ghostly figures … Continue reading

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LL 5- Shutter Speed

Shutter speed is the term used to describe the motion and exposure time of a subject in a photo. A fast shutter allows the photographer to catch a fast-moving object, and it also depends on the ISO. The faster the … Continue reading

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LL5-Shutter Speed

Define shutter speed in your own words.   Post your best motion blur photo with a description of why it is a visually engaging photograph. Include the shutter speed at which the photograph was shot.

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Brooklyn bridge park

 I choose this photo because I like the way the leaves act as diagonals, leading your eyes toward the center of the plant. This photo as well has the same pattern flowing around the center making the plant seem more … Continue reading

Posted in LL4-pattern, view point, rule of thirds | Leave a comment

brooklyn park

I chose this photograph because I like how the warm colors of the leaf that contrast from orange to green. It really grabs your attention when you look at it because you also see that the leaf next to it … Continue reading

Posted in LL4-pattern, view point, rule of thirds | Leave a comment

LL3-Scavenger Hunt

This is my favorite photograph because it is tranquility. Besides that this photo is also a frame within a fame, my group members and I decide to use the door as a frame of the sun flower. At the same … Continue reading

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