Robin Michals | COMD 1340 Photography 1 OL89 | FAll 2020

Author: Alex Veras (Page 5 of 6)

Alex Veras: Week 4: Lab Exercise- Creating Mood

All of the photos taken in this gallery are of plants/ flowers that my mother has grown in my backyard. For the regular/ brighter shots I relied only on the sunlight coming down seeing as how it was bright enough to the point that it exemplified the colors and features of each individual part of the plant. As for the darker/ moodier shots, I lowered down the meter on my cameraphone and got physically closer to the plants themselves. I think that getting physically closer to the plant changed the atmosphere of the picture, and by also taking away the light with the meter, it also changed the photo completely in a way that wouldn’t have been visible/ possible had I kept the light source(s) bright and visible.

Alex Veras- Week 4: Lab Exercise- Camera Meter

For the white picture I used a white piece of copy paper, and for the black one I used a t-shirt. I think the reason they looked so similar without the meter was because of the way the light reflected off of the surfaces. Once I added the meter, it brings out the lighter and darker tones in whichever object I used and allowed the color of the object to be a lot more rich and concentrated. I pushed the meter up to make the paper whiter, and pushed it down to make the black t-shirt even darker.

Alex Veras: Week 3- Assignment Critique

For this week’s assignment share, one of my partners was Jing Wang. She finished the assignment and it came out really well, and the reason I chose this photo was because of the fact that it could have fit perfectly into any of the groups of pictures she took. The picture is centered well, and I like the fact that it looks like the birds are mostly congregated into one area of where they’re flying. You can see the rule of thirds put into effect through that same fact; it’s as if the birds set themselves up for the picture itself.

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