Robin Michals | COMD 1340 Photography 1 OL89 | FAll 2020

Alex Veras- Lab: Week 11- The Background

For these two pictures, I decided to use these cookies that my family almost always has at the house, and even though you normally see them on a place like the left image being our dinner table, you rarely see them as you do on the right; on a cutting board. Whereas the cookies look placed within their element on the table, on the cutting board they stand out more due to the contrast of their color against the white-ness of the board itself and its scratches.


  1. rmichals

    The cookies look better against the darker background but note how different the two are in terms of color. somewhere in between is probably where the color should be to be the most appealing. when shooting with a cameraphone, use Lightroom to adjust the white balance.

  2. rmichals

    And Lightroom also offers control over white balance when shooting.

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