Robin Michals | COMD 1340 Photography 1 OL89 | FAll 2020

Lab Week 6- Motion Blur

I used “Slow Shutter Fast Cam” to take this image. I had the settings on Capture mode: Automatic, Shutter speed: 4, Zoom-in speed:0 and Focus Auto: 0. I secured my camera by placing it on the floor and use my tablet case to support the device upright. My only problem with the app so far is the focus function. I didn’t make the background as sharp as I want it to be.

1 Comment

  1. rmichals

    Fun image. You did a good job revising it from your first attempt. The shadow compliments the ghosted hand and the second car in the background adds interest to the photo.

    I wonder how high your ISO is. If your camera was secured as you say it may be a high ISO that is causing the loss of quality. Next time try working where there is more light.

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