Robin Michals | COMD 1340 Photography 1 OL89 | FAll 2020

Alex Veras- Lab: Week 6- Exploring Shutter Speed

As I progressed throughout this lab exercise, I used 1/10,000 as my initial shutter speed and then made my way down by halves. As I went down the line and the fraction increased, I noticed that the quality of the pictures generally started to get better. While this was happening though, it seemed like the camera began to pick up the light towards the back differently. To me, it seemed like my camera was blurring out other elements in the back to take more concentrated pictures of the sneakers in the center of it all. As for the ISO, I would leave it to whatever value the camera shifted it to as I decreased the shutter speed.

1 Comment

  1. rmichals

    1/500 is still fast enough to capture most motion. Longer shuuter speeds like 1/15 sec or even 1 second will allow for motion blur.

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