Category Archives: Learning Logs

Rule of thirds and Patterns

This photo is a good example of pattern because it shows the pattern of lillypads in the water and how much there is. Gives an interesting look to the lillypads being all in one place. This photo is a good … Continue reading

Posted in LL5-rule of thirds and pattern | 1 Comment

Rule of Thirds & Pattern

  I used rule of thirds and pattern for both of these pictures. The first picture with the water droplets on the webs and there is a hole/entrance on the middle top left and the patterns is the droplets. The … Continue reading

Posted in LL5-rule of thirds and pattern | 1 Comment

Greenwood Cemetery Trip: Perspective and Depth of Field

This photo is a good example of depth of field because of how the statue is in focus instead of the leaves which are framing it. The photos main focus is on one thing instead of just everything in the … Continue reading

Posted in LL4-DOF and Perspective, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

LL: Cemetery Trip(Perspective and Depth of Field)

This is can be a shallow depth of field because the camera main focus in on the yellow flower while the rest of the background is blurry. This is an example of perspective because the further I am the stairs  … Continue reading

Posted in LL4-DOF and Perspective, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Cemetery Trip

This is a good example of perspective and depth because the way the path/street starts to disappears. This is good of a shallow images because the sharpened focus goes on the water faucet and having the background soften and blurry … Continue reading

Posted in LL4-DOF and Perspective, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Flower lighting

The lighting is front lighting.

Posted in LL3-Lighting Quality and Direction | 1 Comment

Flower and lighting

The Lighting of this image is taken with side light . The light gives us more details of the flower such as the bumps and dark areas all around it.

Posted in LL3-Lighting Quality and Direction | 1 Comment


I chose this picture because it shows a different type of perspective of the flower that is being taken. This image captures side light which brings out the texture in showing high contrast. The reason i like this picture because … Continue reading

Posted in LL3-Lighting Quality and Direction | 1 Comment

Learning Log 3

  This is my favorite image that I took because of the silhouette that it creates of the flowers. To create this image, I used a back light and a more diffused light to create this effect. As a graphic … Continue reading

Posted in Learning Logs, LL3-Lighting Quality and Direction | 1 Comment


  The reason I chose this picture is because I enjoy the opposition of the flowers. One appears larger than the other and you can see how both sides of the flowers look as one has its back towards the … Continue reading

Posted in LL3-Lighting Quality and Direction | 1 Comment