Category Archives: Learning Logs

Painting with light

The way this photograph was taken was by mixing the strobe lights and once the seconds are over on the ISO the person holding the light will create a design and this design is a cloud.

Posted in LL8-Painting with Light | 1 Comment

Painting with light

I really like this photo that i took of Palden because of how he seems to be thinking of something and how what hes thinking abut forms as the purple/pink light into a ball shape. I took this photo with … Continue reading

Posted in LL8-Painting with Light | 1 Comment

Painting With Light

I didn’t take the photo but I came up with the idea of the thought bubble while having the expression of thinking. I we also used a purple filter over the flash while using the orange light. I think it … Continue reading

Posted in LL8-Painting with Light | 1 Comment

portrait lighting

I believe this is my single best image that i have taken of my classmate because the lighting is not to bright or dark it can catch a sense of depth of the image filling in the background and i … Continue reading

Posted in Learning Logs, LL6-Portrait Lighting for mood | 1 Comment

Portrait lighting

I really like this photo that I took of Palden because the light was side light and it was forming the triangle on his cheek. The photo is supposed to be mysterious and shady. The background light is dark and … Continue reading

Posted in LL6-Portrait Lighting for mood, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

stuffed animal

I chose this picture because i like the way the lighting was captured. This image is expressing a sense of fearfulness because it is showing that the dog is covering his face with his ears which is showing a sense … Continue reading

Posted in Learning Logs, LL3-Lighting Quality and Direction, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Portraits Lightning

In his photo that I took of Maria, we made her sit on a ledge outside. When I was taking this photo, I’ve made the background blurry and focus on her face and her upper body with AV. I use … Continue reading

Posted in LL6-Portrait Lighting for mood | 1 Comment

Portrait Lighting for mood

In the Photo of Camila we had her back face the sun and used reflector. I like this images because you can see the outlines of the sun around her hair and shoulders and light reflected off her face.

Posted in LL6-Portrait Lighting for mood | 1 Comment


this picture that i took of isa what i did to it was i moved so that i could get the background and and i also used the reflector to cover the the light from her face

Posted in LL6-Portrait Lighting for mood | 1 Comment

Portrait photo

What I did to take this beautiful portrait photo of Palden was use the reflector and point the camera up to where the leaves were reflecting the sunlight which made the leaves look greenish yellow which made it look super … Continue reading

Posted in LL6-Portrait Lighting for mood, Uncategorized | 1 Comment