Exhibit review

We visited theNew York  museum to see:Interior Lives contemporary photographs of Chinese New Yorkers  and observed some pictures. In the first gallery we went into a room with dark lighting. The room had dozens of pictures on the walls and also pictures hanging from the roof. Most of these pictures were the lifestyle of Chinese new Yorkers such living in apartments, or working at a restaurant . Many of these photos were taken in the 2000s from 2003 to recently.  The second museum we visited had a lot more lighting  and had photos of everyday Americans such as New Yorkers in the 1940s. They were pictures of people on the subway, walking on the sidewalk or even at the amusement park.

One the photographer presented in the exhibits was Thomas Hilton who took pictures of the Chinese New Yorkers an their everyday lives. Many of his photographs are taken indoors and it explores how Chinese New Yorkers live their lives and interact with family members. An example of this is shown in his photographs, was a photo I saw called Steve’s “Walk-In Closet”, in which it showed a sister in a closet with a mirror that reflects which her brother. Thomas may have been trying to portray the limited space that these families were living in and how cramped they were.

One photograph i loved was one in the second exhibit we went to called, “life an love on the New York subway”, taken by Stanley Kubrick. The photo portrayed a a black and white woman reading beside each other on the train. I liked this imaged because it symbolized how diverse New York is even back then how black and white people can get along even with racism present at that time.

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One Response to Exhibit review

  1. rmichals says:

    Nicely observed. I love the Holton photo you selected. The contrast of scale between the sister and the brother really makes it stand out. Kubrick’s photo of the two women on the subway was also memorable. I don’t know that the two women were doing much beyond coexisting but the photo shows a side of daily life that is important to remember.

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