Maureen Neuringer | COMD 1162 - Section D030 | Fall 2022

01 Discussion

Each week you will need to respond to two questions posted. Your response should be a minimum of 150 words for both questions. You should also include at least one response to your fellow students. The responses are a requirement for participation part of your grade.

Question 01 –

You need to create a logo that will be used in various applications for a client. What application Illustrator or Photoshop would you choose?

Question 02 –

Why would you make that choice?


  1. Erick Fiallos

    1. Well, if the job is to make a logo, my option would be to go to Illustrator.
    2. The reason why I would choose Illustrator is that this application gives me a wide variety of materials and resources to be able to create an art piece from scratch with complete freedom to modify, enlarge, reduce or cut the design in question at any time. Not having an image to deal with, the concept of creating a logo becomes easier as you start from zero. Another advantage of using Illustrator is the ease of enlarging and shrinking the logo without compromising its sharpness and quality and being able to save or send it without the file being too heavy.

    • Mirline Jean

      Hey Erick. I agree you. If the client wanted any changes made to the design, it wouldn’t affect the quality of the image.

  2. safwan khan

    1) Illustrstor is 100% the best course of action to utilize in creating a logo for a client. Though it isnt impossible to create a logo using photoshop.

    2) However creating a logo in Photoshop would make it rasterized. When creating a Logo you want to be able it sharable, accessible and interchangeable with other branding utilization. As well Illustrator being more simple to use, as logos are easy simple shapes and design. A logo needs to be able to stretch and distort without losing quality on screen and paper. Printing is the better off reason into why creating a logo on Illustrator bc you want clear DPI and resolution when printing on paper, cups, t-shirts and merchandise. Illustrator is printer friendly. You can save thing as a PDF,JPEG from Illustrator making it a Rasterized file but you cant Vectorize a Raster file.

  3. Brendan Montenegro

    If I were making a logo for a client I would pick Illustrator. There are many positives to using Illustrator over Photoshop. Some advantages of using Illustrator are it is a vector-based software meaning it uses mathematical curves and lines to create shapes, this helps when resizing images/logos so they don’t get pixelated. Logos should always be made as vector images because they will be used in various different sizes for example business cards, brochures, and billboards.

    Another great advantage to using illustrator is you can work with many artboards and have all your images for your client in one file. This helps with organization and allows you to send over files more quickly. Photoshop is a great program but I would prefer it for photo retouching and manipulation because it works with raster images meaning each pixel can be targeted.

  4. Sophia Tolentino

    The application I would use if I were creating a logo for a client is Adobe Illustrator.
    I would use Illustrator as opposed to Photoshop because of the drawbacks in scalability of raster files. It would be more suitable to use Illustrator when creating a logo because logos are usually simple, which is suited for vectors. Logos are also usually used in different sizes and using a vector file works well with that. If I were to use Photoshop to create a logo, it would be more difficult to enlarge that logo, as raster files have a fixed resolution. Illustrator is ideal for creating logos and illustrations while Photoshop is best used for photorealistic images and gradients because vector files do not have a fixed resolution, resulting in sharper and cleaner lines, while raster files are made up of pixels, and if the file was enlarged, it would cause the pixels to be visible and show jagged edges.

  5. Samuel Guzman

    If I were creating a logo for a client, I would choose to do my work on Illustrator. The reason why is because on illustrator it gives you the freedom to do almost anything that has to be done while developing a logo. If anything has to be retouched or fixed Illustrator will be suitable to do so. Vector gives you various options and paths, wherever you choose to take your logo. Recoloring, reshaping, resizing will not affect your logo’s sharpness or smoothness. This application is ideal for creating logos, graphic images and illustrations. I would make this choice because of the availability of creative flow it allows you to have and the various tools at your disposal. The fine lines that you are able to manipulate and set without a worry. I would make this choice for the mistakes and retouches that are bound to happen, because no one ever gets it right the first time. Or if you want to see it differently Illustrator allows you to do so without ruining your work. Free style drawing goes hand to hand in illustrator, as if there is unlimited tracing paper at your disposal. The legibility and visual appearance of a logo is everything and Illustrator helps you fulfill that.

  6. lau ash

    Question 01 –
    If I needed to make a logo for a client, I would make my decision depending on what they wanted to do with the final product. When one is dealing with different sized productions using the file, it’s important to evaluate before, but regardless I would probably go with Illustrator.

    Question 02 –
    Photoshop is great for creating a document for online purposes, such as a blog or website. Photoshop deals with pixels, rather than vectors. The only fault with photoshop his that once you try to blow up a Photoshop document it becomes grainy and pixelated. Therefore, I would go with Illustrator for a client if they wanted a logo or design for a billboard, decal, or really anything; they could change their mind later. Illustrator allows the document to retain its sharpness and clarity. In conclusion, I would chose Illustrator for raster based art rather than Photoshop which is more geared towards editing.

  7. Lizbeth Bolanos

    If I am required to create a logo that will be used in various applications for a client, I would you choose to use Illustrator as the application.
    I would use Illustrator instead of Photoshop because if I am being asked to create a logo, I would want the format to be as crisp as possible meaning I would have to use a vector based application. Since illustrator is a vector application, the file will be saved as a sequence of vector statements, allowing the logo to be scaleable without loosing quality, can be easily rasterized, will keep its form and quality if displayed or printed, no matter the size. It would also be the best choice in comparison to Photoshop because photoshop is a raster based application, meaning it’s composed of pixels. This format means the logo would have fixed resolution and will not allow for rescaling if the logo is intended to be expanded or minimized..

  8. Mirline Jean

    If I was to create a logo that will be used in various applications for a client, I would use Adobe Illustrator instead of Photoshop. In Illustrator, you have creative control to draw anything you want from scratch in this application to make a variety of artwork like logos for example. There are endless features in Illustrator to be artistic. It has vector graphics so if the client decides to enlarge the logo, the quality wouldn’t change. The logo will look smooth, clean and legible for everyone to see. Photoshop on the other hand is mostly used to edit raw photos. It can be used to edit an image from Illustrator but in mind it has raster graphics. Unlike Illustrator, if the client tried to enlarge the logo from photoshop, the quality will look horrible and very pixelated. If the client wants any changes to the design you made, you can easily go back and make the change without it disturbing the quality. Photoshop serves its own purpose therefore using Illustrator would be a better decision in this scenario.

  9. Nancy Canongo

    1) The application that I would use if creating a logo would be Illustrator.
    2) Illustrator has more promising results when it comes to its creation of logo, graphic images, and illustrations in comparison to Photoshop, where its utility mostly revolves around creation of photorealistic images and digital paintings. The use of Illustrator, by being a vector software, provides more promising results due to its scalable feature. Any type of adjustments would not affect the object, keeping its sharpness and smoothness all around, even when printed. The same cannot be said about Photoshop; it would have a fixed resolution where it can be hard resizing the object without losing image quality. Furthermore, based on the fact that the logo will be used in various applications, Illustrator has certain forms of file extensions and formats, and its file tends to be generally small, no waste of space and worrying if the file needs to be compressed.

    • Samuel Guzman

      Hey Nancy , I totally agree with you that illustrator trumps photoshop when it comes to creating a logo. Illustrator is overly equipped for our needs and ideas. What else can we ask for? This is an ideal application that is waiting to be used by us.

    • Erick Fiallos

      Totally agree with you Nancy, Ilustrator is just more efficient when we talk about logos, is so easy to modify every single part of our work without altering the file size or the smoothness and sharpness of the project.

  10. David Flores

    The application I would choose to create a logo for a client would have to be Adobe illustrator. One of the reasons is because I’m not dealing with an image. When it comes to creating a logo, logos are heavily focused on line structure. In Adobe Illustrator I would utilize the pen tool because I’m dealing with lines and shapes. I want the logo to be super defined/sharp visually and physically (print) and the application that would allow me to do that is illustrator. If I were to choose photoshop it would not be the same. I will be dealing with many pixels instead of paths. Which is completely not alright If i’m working on a logo design. Photoshop will instead undefine the logo visually compared to illustrator. Objects on illustrator tend to look sharp regardless of the size displayed. When it comes to printing utilizing photoshop print quality is not going to be as crisp if i were to use illustrator. The application that I will be utilizing for my client’s logo is illustrator.

  11. Sierra

    (Question 1) If I were to create a logo that would be used in various applications for a client I would use illustrator. Illustrator is more of a vector graphics editing app that can include creating logos, icons, and page docs. Photoshop is more of a raster image editing app that can be more helpful to photos, artwork, and web graphics. Illustrator is the best option for creating vector shapes and lines since they can be enlarged to any size, making them perfect for pictures that need to be used in a variety of ways.

    (Question 2) I would make this choice by using illustrator because when you add photos using other programs and you want to blow up/zoom in on an image you would be able to see the pixels on the screen and the image would be distorted. Illustrator is good for other things involving a logo because with the help of the app’s advanced vector tools, you can design aesthetically appealing headlines that you may mix with other raster graphics. For a logo, type needs to be set. With the highly advanced typesetting tools in Illustrator, any word can be converted into a completely customizable shape that can be stretched, warped, and altered in any way possible.

    • safwan khan

      it seems everyone is going for illustrator to be the best tool to create a logo. And i agree but never doubt what you can also do with photoshop it isnt just for photo editing. I mean it is but you can also create a logo in PS. But for printing purpose and everything AI is ofc the best bet!

  12. Xiangyong zeng

    You need to create a logo that will be used in various applications for a client. What application Illustrator or Photoshop would you choose?
    I feel that if I need to create a logo for a client that will be used in various applications. I wouldn’t choose either Illustrator or Photoshop directly because I don’t know what the customer needs are so I can’t just decide as I see fit.
    Why would you make that choice?
    The advantage of Illustrator is that we can use its tools to create complex and varied graphics or to make them clearer and easier to change the size, especially in the creation of logos, vector illustrations, etc. But image processing is Illustrator’s weakness. The advantage of Photoshop is that the pictures can be made more realistic to achieve a very effective visual effect. This is because Photoshop tools can be used to make changes in curves, saturation, HSL, exposure, etc., so the photos can have different color variations. But photoshop images are made up of pixels So our work in Photoshop may not be as clear when we print it. In conclusion, as designers, we should first understand what our clients need and then use which software to design.

  13. Adrika Hoque

    Creating a logo that will be used in various applications is best made with Illustrator. Illustrator is a vector-based program and so the logo can be scalable with no blurriness or pixelation and has the option to have no background for greater versatility. The logo will be sharp regardless of if it is print or digital due to the paths Illustrator uses instead of pixels. It is also a smaller file size which means less loading time for better quality and it’s also resolution independent for sharp printed images.

    If the logos are saved as a PDF, it can also be opened by a vast majority of programs which again allows for greater versatility but also could be saved as a PNG or JPEG if needed. Personally, I also think Illustrator is better suited in terms of tools and workflow for graphics and logos than Photoshop is. The shortcuts and the artboards overall make designing a much more pleasant and fast experience.

    • Xiangyong zeng

      Hi Adrika, I agree that Illustrator is the best software to create logos that will be used in various applications because the rendering of the work done with illustrator is vectorial, making our logos more explicit. And with illustrator, we don’t need to go from raster to vector and then fill in the colors like in Photoshop, and if we need to go from vector to raster it’s straightforward.

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