Quiz #2 Vocabulary On Color And Digital Imaging

Below are questions on color you should be able to answer:

  1. What are the subtractive primaries and be able to explain why they are called subtractive?
  2. What are the additive primaries and be able to explain why they are called the additive primaries?
  3. What does the term metamerism mean?
  4. What color space is larger, RGB or CMYK?
  5. What are 3 elements of color?
  6. What does the term gamut mean?
  7. What color would we see without light?
  8. What are warm colors? What are cool colors?
  9. What color space is used on the web?
  10. How does the surrounding color affect perception of another color?
  11. Do we all see the same color when we look at an object?
  12. How does paper play a role in color reproduction in printing?
  13. Are there some colors that can’t be reproduced on the web? in print?
  14. What is a PMS color?
  15. What is calibration?
  16. What is a colorimeter and what is a spectrophotometer?
  17. What is an ICC Profile?
  18. You buy a shirt and bring it home, only to discover when you try it on that its color looks different than it did in the store. Why is this?
  19. You are working with an art director and viewing a proof together. Will both of you see the same colors in the proof—why or why not?
  20. In the edit color section of Indesign, if I set the model to CMYK and make a new color composed of 100% cyan and 100% magenta, what color will I have created?
  21. If I make a color composed of 100% magenta and 100% yellow, what color will I have created?
  22. If I make a color composed of 100% cyan and 100% yellow, what color will I have created?
  23. How do these questions relate to color theory and why do you think these particular questions are important for color reproduction in our industry?
  24. If one has a photograph of a baby and takes a reading of the whites of her eyes in Photoshop (i.e, where there is no color tone), what will be the reading of that area in RGB? How about in CMYK?
  25. Are apples really red?