(I didn’t want to do this project since it’s so personal but I feel like it would be a waste not to.)
This is my Bezold Project A football for my past since I was sure I was going to be a football player when I grew up I won trophies etc but I got injured during my senior year and I couldn’t get a scholarship and that’s when my life went downhill. The crutches are my present also symbolizing my struggles during my downhill moment with depression, betrayal, etc. life was a hot mess for me. I lost all my emotions and became a robot until I met different people and experience different things my emotions are slowly coming back if anything my artwork expresses it. As for the joker card that’s my future due to the fact that whenever I plan or romanticize a future life throws curve balls at you so I’ll have to see.
As terms of design, The colors I had were Red with a Blue outline I started to use a blue background for photoshop with yellow stripes as the foreground so I can get one with orange since they are unfortunately something happened and I didn’t do it right until I moved away from my computer screen taking a break and saw that both were orange which shocked me and had to share it.