Proposal Process

Curriculum Process Overview

For guidance on preparing a proposal for new programs, please consult the guide

From Proposal to Implementation in 7 Steps

  1. DEPARTMENT PLANNING: The faculty members of a department recognize the
    need to make a major or minor change and develop a proposal in consultation with the
    department curriculum committee, the dean, and any affected departments. They prepare a Curriculum Modification Proposal Form (DOCX). If the department votes to approve, the proposal is submitted to the College Council Curriculum Committee.
  2. PRE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE: The Curriculum Committee Chair(s) and
    Provostā€™s Office review proposals. They collaborate with the proposer to make any needed technical changes. Academically sound proposals are assigned to sub-committees.
  3. SUBCOMMITTEE (major proposals only): The subcommittee reviews the proposal,
    consults with all relevant parties, and in collaboration with the Provostā€™s Office,
    recommends changes, if necessary. They submit a report to the full Curriculum Committee about the strengths and weaknesses of the proposal, and any changes made.
  4. FULL COMMITTEE: Both major and minor proposals are action items on the agenda.
    All attendees may ask questions. Minor proposals are announced as information items. The Curriculum Committee evaluates major proposals based on the subcommitteeā€™s report. The committee votes to send the proposal forward.
    votes on whether to add the proposed change to the agenda for the next College Council Meeting or send back to the Curriculum Committee.
  6. COLLEGE COUNCIL: College Council votes. If approved, the proposal is included
    in the Academic Affairs section of the next Chancellorā€™s University Report (CUR) after
    approval by the Board of Trustees. When appropriate, required materials are submitted to the New York State Department of Education (SED) for approval through the CUNY Office of Academic Affairs.
  7. POST-APPROVAL: Once the approved proposal appears in the CUR (and, where
    necessary, SED approves), it can be entered into the catalog, the Registrar can update the record, and the department can offer the new/ revised course or program.

Download the step-by-step details of the curriculum proposal process (.docx) (Last updated 4/21/15)