Nominations for Delegates-at-Large to College Council

The nomination period for Delegates-at-Large to College Council is now open.   Delegates-at-Large are elected for a three-year term with one-third of the membership elected yearly on a rotating basis.

Current members, if you have any questions of when your term expires, please consult the membership list on the top menu of this page.

Anyone interested in serving must submit a nominating petition with 25 qualifying signatures to the Instructional Staff Relations office, Namm 321, by Monday, March 17. The election will be held in the ICR office from Monday, March 31 to Friday, April 4. 

The following members of the instructional staff shall be eligible to serve on and vote for the college council:

a) All professors and associate professors,
b) All tenured assistant professors and instructors,
c) All assistant professors and instructors who have received a third full-time annual
d) All full-time assistant professors (untenured) who have been appointed to the rank
after serving for a minimum of three years as full-time lecturers/instructors,
e) All full-time lecturers who have received a third, continuous, annual appointment,
f) All college laboratory technicians who have received a third, continuous, full-time
annual appointment,
g) All higher education officers who have received a third, continuous, full-time
annual appointment.
Only those who qualify above can sign the nominating petition.

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