Agenda, College Council General Meeting, Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Tues, 12:45-2:00pm in Atrium Amphitheater (AG30)

 I.            Call to Order

II.            Approval of Minutes

III.            Chair’s Report

IV.            Announcement of Graduates

V.            Standing Committee Reports

Curriculum Committee

Minor Proposals: 

·   14K Prerequisites to MECH 3650

·   14L Prerequisite to MAT 1190

·   14M Prerequisites to ETET courses

·   14O HUS AAS Program

·   14P DH Program

·   14Q Restorative Dentistry Program

·   14R AFR 1304

·   14S Environmental Control Technology Certificates Deregistration

·   14T Prerequisites to SPA 1301

·   14U Courses in Latin American Studies Program

·   14W Marketing Program

·   14X ANTH 1103 Contemporary Women

·   14Y ANTH 1102 Comparative Religions

·   14Z Withdraw Courses MKT 2352 & ACC 1123

·         Major Proposals:

·   14-08 New Course PHYS 1010 Science in the Kitchen

·   14-10 Robotic Concentration in MET BTech Program

·   14-11 New Course ESCI 2000(Formerly CMCE 2510) Energy Resources

·   14-15 HEA 2112 The Evolving Face of Race, Class, and Gender Identity

·   14-18 New Course MTEC 2230 Media Computation

·   14-19 New Course ECON 2820 Behavioral Economics

·   14-21 New Course HIS 1503 The Modern Middle East and North Africa

·   14-22 THE 1180 Development through Drama

·   14-23 New Course ENT 2190 Video Editing Skills

·   14-25 New Course AFR 1308 Caribbean Art

·   14-26 New Course RESD 2416 Dental Implant Prosthetics

·   14-27 New Course EMT 1240 Introduction to Computer Engineering Technology

 (You can find all current Curriculum Course proposals on the Curriculum Proposals page on the Council website:

 VI.            President’s Report

VII.            Provost’s Report

VIII.            Good and Welfare

IX.            Adjournment

Reminders: Upcoming Meetings: College Council Continuation Meeting: May 12 (if necessary)

May 19 2015-2016 College Council Organizational Meeting