Agenda, College Council General Meeting, Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tuesday, 12:45-2pm in the Atrium Amphitheater

I. Call to Order

II. Approval of Minutes

III. Chair’s Report

IV. Standing Committee Reports


  • Minor:
    • 14 G HIS 1102 and HIS 1103
    • 14 H Certificate deregistration FM and ENT
    • 14 I EMT Program changes
    • 14 J CST Prerequisites changes

(You can find all current Curriculum Course proposals on the Curriculum Proposals page on the Council website:


  • Resolution on Hybrid and Online Student Evaluation Form

Buildings and Grounds:

  • Classrooms and General Education

V. President’s Report

VI. Provost’s Report

VII. Good and Welfare

VIII. Adjournment

Reminders: Upcoming Meetings:

  • Standing Committees: April 14
  • Executive Committee: April 21
  • College Council Meeting: May 5
  • College Council Continuation Meeting: May 12 (if necessary)


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