HW 2 – Bunn (Feb. 5th)

Name ________________________

Homework 2: “How to Read Like a Writer” by Mike Bunn

Read “How to Read Like a Writer” by Mike Bunn. In this article, Bunn says that his students suggest that the advice they would give to future students is:  “write yourself notes and summaries both during and after reading.” So I’d like you to do that. Please take out a piece of paper and a pen (or pencil) and have it beside you as you read.  Just write down whatever stands out to you from the text– jot down a few key words.  Doodle! Write a summary. Write a question. There are no right or wrong answers here. Then write a response to the questions that follow! Make sure to add quotes, specific examples and details in your responses! 


  1. What did you think of the piece? Did you like it? Or not? Why? Explain! (Don’t worry my feelings won’t be hurt! Be honest!)


  1. Let’s think about the “context” of this text. What is the author (Mike Bunn’s) purpose in writing this piece? Who is his intended audience?


  1. What is the genre of this text? It’s okay if you don’t know! Just give it a shot! (essay, article, poem, etc.)


  1. What did you notice about HOW this text was written? Choose one observation!


  1. In his article, Mike Bunn writes “You are already an author.” He’s talking to you.  What do you think he means by this? What are some of the things you write already?  (Hint: “Nothing” is not an acceptable answer.) Think of all of the ways you already use words in your everyday life.  That’s authorship! How will that existing expertise help you in your college reading and writing career?


  1. Was there anything you noticed in Bunn’s article that you would like to try to do in your own writing? What, in particular? Please be specific!


  1. Can you explain what you think the author means when he says, “When you read like a writer, you are trying to figure out how the text you are reading was constructed so that you learn how to ‘build’ one for yourself” (74). Be specific. Share a personal example, if possible.



  1. Jade

    1. This piece was very useful but wasn’t my cup of tea because it didn’t grasp my attention. 
    2. The author’s purpose in writing this piece is to inform the audience that reading shouldn’t just be for getting information; we should be reading to understand writing techniques and why the author chose to write this way. The intended audience is probably college students who are taking an English class.
    3. The genre of the text is instructional because it guides the reader through a certain number of steps to help achieve a goal, and the goal is to learn how to read like a writer. 
    4. I noticed that the text was written in an informative way where it was always telling you ways to do something or help you, and it also had you questioning or wondering about the writing. The author was asking questions, assuming that you would answer them yourself or interact with the writing. 
    5. What I think he means by “you are already an author” is that everyone is a writer, even if it’s not a book or article. Everyone writes one way or another. Some of the things that I already wrote are text messages, posts on social media, and English homework/classwork. 
    6. One thing I noticed in Bunn’s article that I would like to try is to ask myself questions as I read because, when I’m reading, I only care about finishing the writing. I think this would help me because I don’t take in what I’m reading, so if I ask myself questions, it will make me process the writing better.
    7. I think what the author means by “When you read like a writer, you are trying to figure out how the text you are reading was constructed so that you learn how to ‘build’ one for yourself” (74) is that when a writer is writing a story, they’re thinking of ways to grasp the reader’s attention. So when you’re reading a story or article and you ask yourself questions, it gives you an opportunity to understand why the writer chose to write that way. Page 72 basically talks about how, if you read like a writer, it can help you adopt similar techniques that you can use in your writing.
  2. Giovanna Guachichulca

    1. This reading was interesting because it made me think of things I would have never thought of while reading. It was a new perspective but I did not like it entirely. Not because there was anything wrong with it just because I am someone who is just trying to get into reading. Since I am a very picky reader the essay didn’t grasp my attention 100%. 
    2. The author’s purpose in this writing piece is to encourage people who are readers to try to read like a writer. This means becoming a better reader and gaining and learning new techniques. With these tools, they can view what authors write differently. In a more expressive way as well as learning more about literature. 
    3. I believe this is an essay. To be more specific it sounds like a persuasive essay in a way because of how the author wants the readers to improve and wants them to feel encouraged to read like a writer. 
    4. One thing I notice about the way the author wrote this is he broke it apart. This piece was divided in a way that the reader does not lose track of what they are learning. Whenever starting a new topic there is a heading on the top. I found this pretty cool because it gives the reader an idea of what the paragraph will be about. 
    5. What I think Mike Bunn tries to show us when he says “You are already an author” is that we already as humans are so expressive and we share our thoughts constantly with each other in a way we are telling. Since we are all different we have more than one way of saying, writing, reading things. We all tell a story in what we do. 
    6. I would like to be more organized when writing my paper. When drafting my paper I want everything to be organized and dedicated to each idea in their paragraph as the writer does. 
    7. I think this means that if we read something with an open mind and perhaps with the technique that the author mentions we could read something new. As well as see something from a new perceptive. Be able to put ourselves in the author’s shoes.
  3. Kiara

    Read during the Fall 23′ semester with Professor Fox.

  4. Katrine Merkulyeva

    Read during the Fall 23â€Č semester with Professor R. Garcia

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