The reason behind me writing this essay on technology was because I found the topic to be genuinely interesting and that motivated me to learn more about the history of the innovations that changed the world. Our lives are affected by technology on a daily basis so, it would be logical to be knowledgeable of the innovations that we depend on. During the process of me writing this essay,  I had a hard time trying to fit the right words together to make the essay sound more appealing. I realized that I need to expand my knowledge of vocabulary terms because that is what I need to focus on to improve my writings, having more knowledge means having a more knowledgeable essay. Despite that, the thing that worked for me was the support from the internet to improve my vocabulary knowledge, furthermore another reason of how technology helps us. Overall, I’m proud of the fact that I tried my best to make this essay sound as appealing as possible to the audience and I hope it could inspire future technological ideas. My question to the audience now is, “based on reading the entire essay, did it or did it not spark an interest in you?”.