A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Author: Cesar Perez (Page 1 of 9)

Draft, Final Reflection

This semester term has shown me that college is no joke and its very easy to get left behind with the amount of work given from all of your classes. Even though, this term has supported me in becoming a better reader, writer and scholar. As a reader and writer, I learned to better understand different pieces of writing and the different techniques used within them. Also to furthermore, implement those same techniques into my own writings. As a scholar, I learned to improve my time management, concentration and dedication skills a little. Overall, this term has been satisfactory for me because I know I can do better in my classes and I will because this is just the beginning for me.

Unit 3, Genre Project

The evolution of technology in past decades has consistently modified the way of life and it’ll continue like that for future generations. The reason as to why I became interested in this topic in the first place is because technology plays an influential role in the lives of billions of people across the globe and we depend on it for countless different necessities. I also depend on technology for getting different tasks completed, I rely mainly on just my smartphone and laptop for getting work done. I rely on my smartphone for getting into contact with a friend or family member over the phone, writing down important details to ensure I don’t forget, checking the time and weather, setting the time on an alarm to wake up early the following day and to listen to music for when it’s my time to put down the pen. For my laptop, I depend on it for getting all my school work related tasks done and for connecting virtually with my professors online. Furthermore, looking back at my own life and the different technological devices I had throughout my life inspired me to write about the evolution of technology. Presently, I own a large flat screen that I utilize for watching different movies and shows and also for playing video games. However as a kid I didn’t have a video game system, I only had a few DVD movies that I could watch and my television was an old gen model that was shaped like a cube. This brings me back to my main point of discussion of how life is always changing, children born in this time are going to grow up in a world that is different to the world I grew up in as a kid. I decided to write in an infographic genre because it combines data and information with engaging visuals to demonstrate a organized representation of the work. Organization is very important in a piece of writing as it’s the first impression of the writing to capture the audience’s interest. In addition, the reason why I decided to select my audience among the people who are interested in pursuing a career in technology or unsure about an interest in technology is to help them discover their purpose in life. My purpose in this piece of writing is to help others discover whether or not if they have an interest in technology and if they would like to expand that interest to know more about technology. I decided to specifically talk about the innovations of technology because all these ideas for innovations could spark an idea in someone else to create something Impactful. For my design, I’ve obtained a visual for each technological innovation such as cellular phones, televisions, laptops, and automobiles to use alongside the written information. in my opinion, visuals make a piece of writing more appealing to readers as it provides context to its detailed description. After completing my design for my infographic genre on the innovations of technology, I am satisficed with how it came out and to me it looks organized.


Rough Draft of Artist Statement

The evolution of technology in past decades has consistently modified the way of life and it’ll continue like that for future generations to come. The reason as to why I became interested in this topic in the first place is because technology plays an influential role in the lives of billions of people across the globe and we depend on it for countless different necessities. I also depend on technology for getting different tasks completed, I rely mainly on just my smartphone and laptop for getting work done. I rely on my smartphone for getting into contact with a friend or family member over the phone, writing down important details to ensure I don’t forget, checking the time and weather, setting the time on an alarm to wake up early the following day and to listen to music for when it’s my time to put down the pen. For my laptop, I depend on it for getting all my school work related tasks done and for connecting virtually with my professors online. Furthermore, looking back at my own life and the different technological devices I had throughout my life inspired me to write about the evolution of technology. Presently, I own a large flat screen TV that I utilize for watching different movies and shows and also for playing video games. But as a kid I didn’t have a video game system, I only had a few DVD movies that I could watch and my television was a old gen model that was shaped like a cube. This brings me back to my main point of discussion of how life is always changing, children born in this time are going to grow up in a world that is different to the world I grew up in as a kid. I decided to write in an infographic genre because it combines data and information with engaging visuals to demonstrate a organized representation of the work. Organization is very important in a piece of writing as it’s the first impression of the writing to capture the audience’s interest. In addition, the reason why I decided to select my audience among the people who are interested in pursuing a career in technology or unsure about an interest in technology is to help them discover their purpose in life. My purpose in this piece of writing is to help others discover whether or not if they have an interest in technology and if they would like to expand that interest to know more about technology. I decided to specifically talk about the innovations of technology because all these ideas for innovations could spark an idea in someone else to create something. So far for my design, I’ve obtained different visuals on innovations such as cellular phones, televisions and laptops to use alongside the written information. In my opinion, visuals make a piece of writing more appealing to readers and it provides context to its detailed description. Right now, I can say that the design is coming together nicely and I can imagine how the final outline will look like. 

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