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Author: Mashfia (Page 4 of 6)

Blog post 10/3/20

When  I was a  younger   I always loved painting or doodling  i would have a little table  sit grab allot of printing paper  i would always show my mom or my siblings after i was done painting.  some days my sibling would make  things out of play dough or pain together  my mom  would start her own business  of an entrepreneur because she a stayed home mom trying to provide  us with food or essentials.   me and my mom i would make  plates  or pottery it was  fun because we made a lot of stuff with clay like mugs, plates  DIY them make them all pretty i still enjoy  painting or sculpturing. In high school we would have  clubs i would join the art club i was always happy to go their  after a long day of stress it will calm me down. I enjoy other things and curious to learn stuff but i don’t know what i really want to accomplish in my career , There so many interesting careers i wanted to do like  be a teacher , police officer , forensics i was curious, pilot everything its interesting of these careers and have t chose 1 career yes we can switch it or change major but its better to  experience different careers instead of a degree. Right now i don’t know what do do there so many opportunities to decide what i like.  I am curious about different . seeing what i can achieve and which career will be best for me. If i would say if  i am still interested  i would say yes and no . I enjoy art and  its my hobby but i wouldn’t  do that in my future .  I feel that i wouldn’t be as talented but there are different options and categories . i hope my career or path will make happy and sure i will enjoy it.

“A Talk to Teachers” By James Baldwin

James Baldwin the author  A Talk to Teachers points out interesting  concepts he explain how us children ”not yet aware that it is dangerous to look too deeply at anything, look at everything, look a teach other, and draw their own conclusions. They don’t have the vocabulary to express what they see, and we, their elders, know how to intimidate them very easily and very soon.” Its true were used to just fallow what our parents do we pick up little information  or observe what we don’t know why its the purpose of doing those thing as well for teacher educating us in a young age but yet still confused we just need help in our lives and just be dependent our education is very poor  we carry little information don’t . we don’t use strong vocabulary or express things just know little details . As well James stated “the world is larger” I think what he means there is more ways to learn around the world and take education seriously we are not educated and i feel we should focus on that instead  of social media or the technology around us there are new information out in the world exciting or interesting  things can educate us and become smart young adults.The purpose of education, finally, is to create in a person the ability to look at the world for to make its own decisions and look our situation on our selves give us challenges and expectation and question our selves why did we make these option instead just fallowing from our peers or guardians.the “necessity” to examine, or to  learn more is outside of the world and to think deep to develop a conscience, you must It is your responsibility to change society if you think of yourself as an educated person.

shitty first drafts

quote 1”  Almost all good writing begins with terrible first effort. You need to start somewhere . Start by getting something anything down on paper”. I agree on this statement because at first you don’t know what to write it can be terrible at first but when you practice your writing  improves little, you know what people say practice makes perfect.

quote 2 ”I would pick up my one inch picture frame, stare into it as if for the answer,and every time the answer would come: all I had to do was to write a really shitty first draft of, say the opening paragraph. And no one was going to see it”.  I agree on this statement because rough draft no one see until its published and  the writing that you had on your rough draft  is private  the publisher tries to make the writing better.

quote 3” I would eventually let myself trust the process sort of, more or less. I’d write a first draft that was maybe twice as long as it should be, with a self-indulgent and boring beginning, stupefying descriptions of the meal, lots of quotes from my black-humored friends that made them sound more like the Manson girls than food lovers, and no ending to speak of.” I agree Its hard for writers to be perfect on there writing skills, it takes days or weeks, they put a lot of effort on there work .They feel frustrated if there piece is not good cant ask for help its all on them .  but the end of the day they are a successful writer.

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