A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

October 03rd “Research Starts with a Thesis Statement”

Hmmm, something that I was interested in when I was a little kid was to study and become a nurse or just be in the medical field. I was as well interested in being part of the business, finance field but now not really. I am still interested in being part of the medical field, I feel like whenever I asked questions to my primary doctor or even in the ER it pushed me more to study something in the medical field. Whenever I ask a nurse they will tell me their stories of how working in the ER isn’t bad, you experience something new everyday as well you continue to learn while working there. Now whenever I asked someone that was part of the business field they will tell me how it isn’t hard, on the other hand they will tell me how eventually you get tired and bored from numbers. 

My curiosity for the medical field has definitely grown throughout the years. It has grown because of personal health issues experiences. At some point while growing up I would say that the ER was my second home lol. It was a second home due that I will usually be there due to health issues that I would encounter. During those times I would find it very interesting how doctors and nurses would find out a way to know exactly what was going on and how to give it the proper treatment. The educational system did play a good role in my curiosity, classes that I took while being in high school helped me gain a huge amount of knowledge of our body. Biology class and Anatomy/ physiology class were so interesting to me that I would sometimes attend Saturday tutortings just so I can learn more in certain topics. I know that I will continue to be interested in the medical field, I can say now that becoming a nurse would truly be my passion. 

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    Odalis, this is an excellent response. Your response is well-developed, addressing all of the questions posed and it is interesting how your passion in becoming a nurse arose from personal health issues.

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