A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

K . W . L

Topic : Why gentrification? Why gentrification in Minority/ low income neighborhoods


Know: what I know about gentrification well I know it benefits one group and distrose another , I know especially in new york city there is a fine line between rich and poor, I know that they are coming into to out neighborhoods and creating these high end stores to attract people to the neighborhoods.I know that having a skyscraper right across the street from the projects is not right, I know that the people who live in these neighborhoods will soon be forced to move, I know that all the new stores in the neighborhood aren’t actually for people that live in the neighborhood, I know that culture in new york streets are fading away. I know that people who live in these new gentrified places don’t see the downfall of their new home.I know that gentrification is almost happening right in front of our eyes but we can’t…


Want: I want to know how long will it be till middle and higher class folks take over or neighborhoods. I want to know how newyork is going to deal with the new wave of homeless people if gentrification continues at the speed that it’s going. I want to know how you guys complain about the holmes but are the reason why there are homeless people, I want to know if the people that move into these neighborhoods feel bad, I want to know why people are not saying or reacting to anything but only their rent going up, I want to know if the gentrification could start some sort of segregation again, I want to know why are these high end buildings being built in places where there’s still crime going on I want to why 


Learned : what I learned gentrification doesn’t really care about historical places in a neighborhood, “fostering community formation” to “investing the city with money and consumption-oriented spaces that resemble suburban shopping malls that exclude low-income and people of color.”, Most gentrification occurs because of a lack of policies that value community input, offer equitable rezoning policies, and provide intentional housing options, 

Still want to know: could gentrification start some sort of segregation again? ,  I want to know how newyork is going to deal with the new wave of homeless people if gentrification continues at the speed that it’s going?

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Cole

    Mariam, you raise some very interesting questions except that you need to realize that you need to do some historical research about how neighborhoods or one or two specific neighborhoods in NYC have changed. It’s not simply a matter always of an attempt at gentrification, but sometimes people moving in large numbers from one area to another and making the area their home. This is not something that you address in your questions. Overall, this is an excellent response to the assignment, and your research question is good, so you should proceed with your research.

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