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“A Talk to Teachers” By James Baldwin

James Baldwin author of  “A Talk to Teachers” believes that while students are aware of racism the need to be know, and be doing more in order to prevent it.  In American well anything history is painted in a very  bias and glosses over the very real and painful history of this country. This is why I think that Baldwin “the world is larger”. He’s saying that the world is larger then our narrow views and we need to learn to see. Schools today teach things that while I cant argue are useful, there are better things to be learning. For me I wish that schools taught students about the truth about “the American dream”.  Everyone in America and everyone who comes here have this dream or belief that is you just work hard enough you can become rich and important. While of course  this is of course    possible but very is unlike. Most schools I’ve seen  don’t openly take about this and I think that this is a huge mistake. If we were to teach  students to temper there expectations so the can do well in life. Its ok to set goals and reach for the stars, but you need to keep your lives  and expectations in check.

1 Comment

  1. Frora Istrefi

    Esterlin response to wanting schools talk more about the reality of the American Dream is actually something I never thought of but actually is a topic that I think is great to talk about. The topic is so seen as something that is great and desired from everyone but actually isn’t that great. People come here wanting to build themself but most don’t succeed because of the status here. A lot of people see America as something so amazing but once you come here its a just a repetitive lifestyle that many don’t see like outsiders.

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