I am an animal lover. I always have been, since I was a kid. I have grown up with many animals in my house and have been taught to care for and love them by my parents. When I was a kid I wanted to pursue a dream of being a veterinarian. This was what created my interest in the study of animal behavior. I liked to research the activities that animals perform during their lifetime, including movement, feeding, breeding, the capture of prey, avoidance of predators, and social behavior. This was my biggest interest as a kid. I used to read a book and even search for questions about different types of animals. But as I started to grow up that goal slowly disappear. As the years went by I slowly lost interest in the topic. I just didn’t find the research about them interesting anymore. I believe it was since I was unable to learn about them in school. I was always learning about something else. For example, in school, my top topic was to get a good grade and graduate. I was not thinking about studying them. I cannot focus on my study because of my job, especially when I need to study hard for their exams. I wanted to learn, but for other reasons. One such obvious reason would be good marks in my classes. Another was parental pressure. Most parents wanted their children to do their best and get a high grade. My parents were just like this. In my opinion, school has taken my capacity of creation simply because they’re teaching methods to involve creativity. There were even teachers that told me to stop dreaming and live in reality. They told me to give up on my dream and think of a more realistic thing I want to do in life. I believe the education system strip the creative me are born with.