A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Time Capsule

Dear future self,

I hope you’re feeling relieved by fulfilling your first college semester! Indeed it wasn’t easy at all but  you pulled through, regardless of the circumstance you might have faced. This was just the beginning of many other semesters that are on your way, just remember that it will all be worth it when you graduate with your bachelors degree.


How is your lash business going? Are you still doing that? I really hope you are and that it has grown! It’s all about patience, don’t give up. Winners never give up no matter how challenging it can be.


To finish off this amazing chapter of college I want to wish you the best for 2021 spring semester! Insane how this year went by flying and how chaotic it was, not only for you but for everyone that experienced this pandemic. It definitely impacted various lives including yours but it didn’t stop you from achieving, thriving, making the best out of the situation.



Odalis A.


  1. Mashfia

    I agree with you the amount of work we have been accomplishing will make us successful in the future , I hope you will achieve your goals and accomplishments .

  2. Frora Istrefi

    I hope all your goals are accomplished with great successes , and also hope your business does amazing in the future and succeed a lot in life!!!

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