Academic Essentials is part of the New Student Connection, City Tech’s welcome to new students. As part of our welcome to new students, all students are invited to participate in the following reflective writing activity.
Reflective Writing Activity
Read the following quote by Dr. Pamela Brown, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs:
Learning is a source of hope for a better future. It requires hard work and sacrifice which can be even more difficult in challenging times. Your time in college is also your opportunity to connect with others, lift your spirit, enrich your life, and develop the skills and knowledge to make a difference in your community.
— Dr. Pamela Brown, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Choose a question below and write a reflection in the comment box at the bottom of this page.
- What life experiences have prepared me for college?
- When I have been faced with a difficult situation, what strategies did I use to find a solution?
- How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
- What do I need to know about the resources offered by the college that I can access to help me become a better learner?
- In case my original academic plan does not work out, what would be my alternative plan?
Read and comment on another student’s post. These are your classmates, encourage them to work towards their goals.
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How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
Well, moving forward with our classes taking place now online and from home I MUST create new and effective habits for myself. Transitioning to being fully online is challenging and can be a new adjustment.
Habits I choose to take on are as follows:
~ Still wake up early !! Even though I will be at home attending class waking up early is beneficial for me because it gives me a routine. Wake up, make breakfast, get my notebook and textbook prepared and make myself camera ready for my class.
~ Make sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night and take power naps during my break if needed (but don’t forget your alarm if you take a nap).
~ Give myself study time and make sure I have a space in my home where that can take place.
~ Try to work on assignments ahead of time so I have less workload and I am not rushing to complete them.
The list can go on but I hope the list I composed can help someone 🙂
Dear Sabrina, thank you for being the very first brave person to share your advice with us!
I am one of the faculty members in the Dental Hygiene program and I have heard from many of our former and current students about the challenges you face in structuring your lives around the many responsibilities you have and allowing for an appropriate time to study. This is especially challenging in online learning when much of the responsibility of your own structuring for studying and the task of time management falls largely on you as a student.
When we first transitioned to teaching/learning online this March, one of my good friends and colleagues in DH department found this advice for students: It actually echoes much of what you shared! Creating a routine on studying at the same times during the day, finding a good place without distractions (if possible), and staying connected as much as possible with classmates and faculty are all important and very helpful strategies! I also especially like one advice shared on the website: allow yourself to stumble. Not everything always works from the first try, so just try again and you will be able to fix it with time and patience.
I hope this is helpful!
My plan for creating positive academic habits for my self is to research and put into action different ways to achieve high scores on my assignments.
Great ideas
Waking up early is definitely beneficial all around
I agree.
Those are all great ideas, I’ll definitely be using them to conquer the semester.
Those were great advice i got from those students.
I agree 100%. This routine is exactly what I will be doing this upcoming semester. I am the type of person who cannot work in an environment where I will be easily distracted, therefore I will take your advice and find an area whether that in my home or a local cafe (or even library) to get some work done. I need to make time to study a little bit every day so the material I am learning in engraved in my mind and will help me do well on exams and my overall GPA. Thank you for the schedule, and again, I will definitely be using it!
Totally agree! When I was doing online classes for high school waking up early and doing assignments ahead of time definitely helped me a lot. I will also try to get at least 8 hours of sleep, I’m pretty sure I will need it more now that I will attend college compared to how much I needed it in high school. Thank you!
Hi Briana,
Yes. Sleep will be very important. Also, remember that time management skills are learned and developed, so you may have to try different things throughout your first semester. Remember also to try ask your peers what tools they use to stay organized.
Good luck this semester!
When I have been faced with a difficult situation, what strategies did I use to find a solution?
• Talk to your peers! Sometimes all you need to do is vent & it makes you feel so much better and can even give your clarity of the situation at hand. Never feel like you’re alone. There is always someone out there whether it’s a friend, family member, school counselor etc that’s willing to listen to you and make sure you know that your feelings are valid and they matter.
• Get help! Whether it’s academic support, emotional support, financial support – whatever it may be, there are so many resources available on campus (now shifted to online help due to corona). FYP is a great place to direct new students to these resources which is why it’s so important that if you’re a first year student you should sign up for a peer mentor. If you do not have a peer mentor, you can still find out about these resources through city tech’s website or even contacting your professors because they’re always there to help.
• Try a different approach! If one way isn’t working, take a break & then come back & try to tackle it another way. We all overwork ourselves at one point or another so revisiting something at a later time and trying to do it a different way with a clear head may be all that’s needed.
Hope this helped anyone who is struggling. Have a great semester guys!!
Dear Anjie, what a great advice you shared! I could not agree with you more about reaching out for help when you need it. Don’t feel that you must be independent and be able to solve any problem by yourself as a college student. You don’t have to do it alone – we always learn with and from each other and it’s better to learn from someone else’s experience, isn’t it?
I also very much like your suggestion of trying a different approach when something isn’t working out. Step away from the task, allow yourself to rest or concentrate on something else, and try it again after a little break. You’ll be surprised how removing yourself from a difficult problem at hand can give you a different view of it and its possible solution.
Great thoughts!
Hi Anjie,
All the strategies you listed are great and on point. But the one you listed about GET HELP! is the one that stood out the most for me because so many people are afraid to get help or are afraid to accept that they need help and things eventually spiral out of control for them. So im big on the get help aspect and people understanding that it is important and that its also ok. Great Job!
When I think about “How will I create positive academic habits for myself?” I think about how I am going to manage my time. I believe that the best academic habit is making a study schedule. In college, I will decide what class schedule works better for me, therefore, I can organize my time and decide a specific time of the day for class, homework, and studying (and maybe some fun too!). I also will schedule some time in between or after to take a break and relax before getting back to study or others responsibilities. I want to try to learn without overwhelming myself.
Dear Lucy, sounds like you have a good plan for yourself! I could not agree more that everyone should also keep some time for fun 🙂
Keep in mind that once you create your schedule, you have to manage your time to keep it going in an organized way as the semester’s work will grow. One advice I give to our students in Dental Hygiene (a VERY intense program!) is to study consistently and not put away the assignments and readings until the last minute before they are due or especially before the exams!..
My very best wishes to you!
“What life experiences have prepared me for college?”
The experiences that have prepared me for college are the setbacks that I have had such as, sometimes I would have no time to study and would have to do it on the way to school. The reason that I wouldn’t have time is because I would have to help both my parents take care of bills, english translation and help my younger brother. While those thing have made me what I am it’s going to help me with any struggle that comes my way this first year of college.
Dear Fabian, I am certain that you are well prepared to college having had many responsibilities of helping your family and sharing your time among work, family, and your studies. You will find that City Tech has very many students who are first- or second-generation immigrants to the US. Sharing this in common, and seeing how successful our amazing students can become, is very inspirational.
I hope your student experience in our college is a wonderful and successful one!
What life experiences have prepared me for college?
Some life experiences that have prepared me for college would be going to monntana away from my mother on my own and. learning new things such as how the other side of the world live, and also even the little things how to cook on my own, different ways to clean dishes, different ways to save water,etc.
Another life exprenices would be what recently is going on with covid and how I realize that I need to improve my grades a little more if I wanted to make it though college on my own. by doing online classes it opened my eyes to a whole different side of what I normally see it was first hard to get though but as I gotten the hang of it I knew I had to go to sleep early wake up early and do what I needed to do before classes started.
Dear Jahnique, wow it sounds like you had quite an adventure in Montana! And what a true life learning experience in a different environment and making it on your own there. I’m sure the life skills you’ve gained will be helpful to you not only in college but in general going forward.
Adjusting to an online learning is definitely hard and would be the biggest challenge for new students, I think. As your fellow students have shared, please try to keep in touch with your classmates and study together, if possible. It truly makes a big difference as I have heard from many of my students.
Good luck 🙂
How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
Few positive academic habits I can make for myself and maybe others is to try to wake up early and don’t sleep until noon, even if classes are online, I think waking up early gives boost of energy and happiness throughout the day. Also, another is having time management and try to get stuff done earlier so the other half of the day can be left for free time. I think it’s necessary to have some item off, if you study nonstop it will not benefit you. Also, focus on one thing at a time don’t try rush, do everything peacefully and calmly, with being slow you succeed, it better to do it slower and know you did it right than do it fast and think over the rest of the day on what you actually made a mistake.
Dear Anastasiya, yours is a very good advice; however, we can all function best at different times and some of us are ‘morning’ and some are ‘night’ people. What’s important is to learn what time of the day (or evening) you are at your best learning capacity and then try to create a schedule based on that (if possible, of course). And you are absolutely correct about not rushing to complete tasks but rather taking the time and making your best effort! It is true what they say, slow and steady wins the race 🙂
Best wishes to you!
What life experiences have prepared me for college?
First, I will start by saying that there have been many life experiences that has prepared me for college. However, there is one particular experience that I will say was the ultimate driving force that has prepared me for college. During my time in high school, I had a negative encounter with one of my teachers who said, “I would not be anything good in life.” At that very moment, I made a promise to myself that I would do my best to attend college and earn a degree. I made sure to take advantage of the many opportunities that college had to offer. Additionally, going to college saved me from homelessness and provided me with a helping community.
Never let anyone or anything deter you from achieving your goals. Work hard!
Dear Tevin, it is so admirable that you took such a negative comment and used it to be motivated, instead of discouraged. I’m sure it took much strength and resilience to persist in achieving your goals! I hope you continue to succeed in your life in college and beyond and make sure that no negative comments, actions, or other obstacles prevent you from remaining positive and motivated.
I am glad you mention how college offered you a community that helped you in your difficulties. While it may seem challenging to have the same sense of community and belonging in the online learning environment, our hope is that you will still be connected with classmates, friends, and your faculty and mentors. By sharing your thoughts here you are contributing to our community and even though it is online, it feels quite real. I am glad to interact with all of you!
How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
Well in order to continue thriving in school even if its online I would still have to regularly keep in mind that it’s just like being in person just virtually and at HOME! I would have to get a good night rest and wake up early in order to stay focus in class. Also make my self presentable since classes are virtually now. Also I would have make sure all work gets handed on time nor started the day it’s due. But also be able to have time management in order to get things done and stay on task.
Dear Maria, please make sure you (and everyone else) show us your beautiful happy faces in online classes and meetings! We, faculty, love to see you – this makes our virtual interactions more real and personal. Also, you’d agree it’s somewhat weird to talk to the boxes with names and now people 😉
Thanks for your comment and best wishes to you!
How will I create positive academic habits of myself?
The start to creating a positive mindset for my virtual academic scenery is to wake up early with a clear and fresh mind. The previous nights before, I won’t sleep as late as I normally do and I’ll get my average 8 hours of sleep or more. I’ll focus more on studying and Learning the work without any distractions in my way. This would be a better understanding for myself and it could help me improve my mindset and academic habits for this semester and year.
Dear Jaida,
These are great habits to implement for the coming semester. Planning ahead by getting enough rest the night before and eliminating distractions so that you can focus on your academic work is a great start for setting yourself up for success. Implementing new habits often takes some time, so sometimes its helpful to take a step back every few days or so just to ask ourselves: “what’s working, and what can I do differently to make this habit work for my benefit?” and then keep going! Wishing you a successful fall semester ahead!
How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
I plan to discipline myself and schedule everything that pertains to school first before scheduling anything else. In the past, there were times where I’ve needed help but did not ask for it; I will not take that behavior with me into any of my academic years at City Tech. I never used to study in my early years in school, but once I started implementing more time into my schedule for studying it made a huge difference and reflected on my grades. I aim to be proactive with all of my studies for all of my classes, even the ones where I understand majority of the material being taught. I will take advantage of professors office hours and all other resources offered to me so that I can be great, and thrive in college.
Dear Akeila,
You mentioned so any great things in your post! I love that you prioritized scheduling your academic work first, and THEN schedule other activities around that. We often prioritize what’s most important to us, and putting school on the top of that list is essential to doing well. You also mentioned implementing time for study, and meeting with professors during office hours (along with other resources available). These will all be extremely valuable especially since we will be primarily online in the fall.
How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
I wasn’t always the best student in High School, but now that I’m moving on to College I would like to change those bad habits into ones that will help me better myself. I plan to distance myself from distractions and make the most of my time to really make myself more productive than usual. Also I would like to engage in clubs and events that will help me make friends to have some people to count on when I need help. I want to succeed in college so that I may make a name for myself and put me on the right track for my future.
Dear Luis, I was a faculty advisor for our dental hygiene student club, SADHA, for over 7 years. I have seen many friendships developed and students’ leadership skills grown when they participated in the club activities! So I wholeheartedly support your idea of jining a student club that will align with your interests and see how much it will help you as our student, and beyond!
How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
Creating positive academic habits for myself is vital in that it will pave the way into shaping the student I will be during and towards the end of my college experience. In order to create that positive academic habit I must plan to put any sort of distractions on the side and focus on the contents within the courses and be dedicated to them as it will carry over with me in the future. Having the mindset, that “this work will pay off in the end”, is always a great idea as it will encourage you to strive as it will eventually lead you to success. I’m always aiming for goals and being able to achieve them and with college I will be able to complete these goals.
Dear Randy,
Your post reminded me of something that I read in a book titled “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey. One of those habits is ‘Begin with the end in mind”. Thinking about what you want the end of your college experience to look like can really help to shape the actions and habits that you implement at the beginning. Of course, goals and desired outcomes my change along the way, but to have a goal that you’re aiming for right from the beginning is a great way to get you on the right path from the beginning. We are all prone to distractions. Being aware of that and know what those distractions are (or could be) is a great first step to eliminating and/or avoiding them for sure!
How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
Of course I’ll towards the end , it seems only fitting, since it’s the story of my life.
The short answer I through creating proper boundaries with myself and others. It’s respecting the fact that I don’t have to be disrespectful of others or even interested in their drama when they choose to disrespect me as a person. I’m here to engage in learning. It’s by making a positive impact around me. Life is like a pond and the pebble you toss at it affects the environment around me. So standing up and participating where positivity is welcome and sitting back when the room is adversarial to my presence.
My advice to other students is to come to college with a semi-malleable plan and a notion to align your academics with your current academics. Because much of your energy will be spend on your both types of commitments. Sign up for your student email early and get it set up right away. I have survived 4 semesters and 1 summer semester of maneuvering last minute class changes and cancellations , mostly through email. Financial aid, CityTech, and CUNY at large will keep you constantly apprised of changes, sometimes on a daily basis via your email. So having that accessible , on your phone best of all .. is absolute key to success.
Get involved in SGA. Student Government is absolutely imperative to our representation as Students. Contact the office, find out events, and get to know who’s who. Me I am the Senator of Accessibility. My connection is to accessibility services on the second floor. It covers all matters concerning making classes accessible to students. This includes students with language difficulties and learning disabilities. Make sure if you have any difficulties to contact myself or John Curry at the Accessibilities Office . Be sure to get set up with any tech you may need to help with classes, ask for any assistance, and if you’re finding something difficult to address it with your professor in class. No matter how seemingly ridiculous your request, if it’s for reasonable accommodations such as extra time on tests or ability to record your class. I’ll admit there are occassional professors who will scoff at you (I’ve already had one) but CityTech isn’t here for them, it’s here for students like me and you. So if your professor is showing disdain or disrespect over a reasonable accommodation request you should address it early on. Such problems are ableism which a form of prejudice just as pervasive and disruptive as sexism or racism. When you find yourself a victim of it and you can’t get it resolved directly with the professor then report it to the appropriate Department Chair and if need be office of accessibilities and the provost.
Lastly set up academic relationships and groups. These people don’t have to be your friends or have the same interests. But if you’re sharing the same classes you can easily find a common desire to pass the class. Having the positive interpersonal experience in the scope of the class can really help broaden your learning experience and how you proceed.
Aside from that the basic common sense principles of setting up study time, making sure your learning environment is accessible and accommodating to your classes. You’re going to sometimes be spending hours there. So actually being set-up for living there 24/7 (you always overdue instead of underestimate) will go a long way to making distance learning a rewarding experience. Making sure you have needed time set aside for studying and and exam practice when necessary. Take advantage of all the tutoring resources offered you by the office of student life and the accessibility office.
In case my original academic plan does not work out, what would be my alternative plan?
So I didn’t think I one question would suffice and since I feel there’s a lot of baggage related to this question and I sort of have a larger grasp of it’s meaning. So about 30 years ago I was wrongfully robbed and denied federally mandated Accessibility Services by Miami-Dade Community College . Which is a shame considering I stopped 98% of a computer science degree nearly 23 years ago. Now without getting too much into it I did go on to utilize my tech skills to serve minority and marginalized small businesses for salaries far below what most people make. But I was simply held out of standard employment due to ableism. But what I’m after is more the lessons learned going outside the system and having to fight 21 years to get my loans reversed and my person back in classes.
Most everyone comes into a career field in search of wealth, notoriety, or both. Honestly though what your first vision should be is how much you love your profession. I don’t mean a warm curly, cozy, love. I mean I can see myself don’r this down the road when every 16 year old does it and the pay is minimum wage. Because that’s a possibility down the road of any. profession.
When I came back to college I of course defaulted to going for everything I knew I could just take as comfort food.. Computer Science, Physics, Clinical Psychology ….if it’s science and tech I’m definitely at home with it. And because of my particular disabilities on lean on Tech extra hard thus consummating the relationship. Anyway, I finally decided I wanted to challenge myself( so I followed my interests in law and governance into the Law & Paralegal Studies department.
Ultimately my advice is follow your passions , even the least explored one’s/ Keep your plan or plans fluid. You know the old expression when one door closes another one opens. It’s true. So in the interest of you as a person and your career it’s better to focus on a fluid short-term plan that accomplishes positive long term desires.
Keep yourself open to new opportunities whether CUNY or not or even non-academic career opportunities. Because you’re never sure where the road of life will take you or how long it will take. Take your time .. if you’re unsure about your major look into others, switch , switch as many times as you want. Take a summer job instead of summer classes. If parental , peer, or social pressures are clouding your judgement then take a step back, go down to counseling . Maybe it’s not your major, maybe it’s the way this professor teaches, maybe it’s an accessibility issue you’re struggling with, or maybe you honestly aren’t in the right major. Life takes time and fluidity and understanding. The academic undergraduate experience is a pre-amble to the rest of your adult life .. so it’s subject to the same rules. You need to come your best in everything you do and be compassionate and understanding when of yourself when you can’t be that person.
Dear Abigail, thank you for your thoughtful comments! I especially appreciate your sharing the information about our Student Accessibility Office – it is very important that all students know about it and how to get the necessary assistance they may need. As faculty, I have referred many students to this office and as far as I know, they always received the help they needed.
Reaching out to Counseling is also very helpful to many students who experience difficulties. Our counselors are attentive, kind, and knowledgeable – please don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it and they will be happy to help you in a professional and, of course, confidential manner.
Best wishes to you and it sounds like Law and Paralegal studies program is a perfect fit for you!
How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
I will treat all my classes the same, whether they’re online or in person.
Dear David,
Thank you for sharing! Are there any habits or strategies that you think you’ll have to implement in order to succeed in your online classes, that perhaps you didn’t have to consider for your in-person classes?
When I have been faced with a difficult situation, what strategies did I use to find a solution?
Difficult solutions at one point in time became a part of my norm. Back to back adversaries seemed to appear whenever I seemed to overcome a hurdle. I have found a solution and it lies in my mindset. The more I would focus on a problem and it’s challenges, the less likely a solution would appear. When I shifted my mindset to a more of a solution based way of thinking, hardships became easier to conquer. It made my decision making clearer and more concise. Therefore leading to faster solutions and less issues.
Dear Michelle,
Thank you for sharing! I couldn’t agree with you more: a shift in ones mindset is often the first step to overcoming an obstacle. Sometimes the problem can seem so insurmountable and the only thing we can focus on is the problem. BUT by shifting our mindset, it opens our eyes to begin to see the possibilities that exist to solve the problem. That mindset shift also helps us to think about the resources and people that are at our disposal who may be able to help. This becomes really important, especially in an academic setting. There are tons of resources available and sometimes all it takes is asking a question which leads to an answer that can help solve the problem.
When I have been faced with a difficult situation, what strategies did I use to find a solution?
When i faced a difficult situation, first prayed and trust God will make a way. Secondly, i seek help. I’ve long known to stay silent means that no action will be seen and my situation will not change.
Lastly, with determination and motivation my situation changed, This was as a result of a “WILL”; the way was prepared and my path to a better tomorrow became clearer. Another layer was added lately, i decided to educated and prepared myself for success….a character that is still being written and i can’t wait to achieve!
Dear Candacia,
I love that you seem to have a pretty clear order of how to approach challenges and difficulties that come your way: rely on your faith, reach out to others for help and dig deep to do whats necessary on a personal level to change the situation- upward, outward and inward! That’s fantastic and very inspiring.
Having a plan in place to overcome challenges when they arise is a great way to prepare yourself for success!
How will I create positive academic habits for myself ?
I will definitely be sure to wake up early in order to mentally prepare myself for my classes. I will also try to minimize distractions so that I stay focused on the tasks at hand and work diligently.
Dear Brandi, This is great! What habit/habits do you think you can implement in order to wake up early? What are some things that you might be able to do to minimize distractions so that you can stay focused?
When I have been faced with a difficult situation, what strategies did I use to find a solution?
I am naturally very shy and because of that I find it hard to speak up and share my ideas. I was accepted to Chi Alpha Epsilon (XAE) , an honor society. Being part of it helped me to overcome my shyness because discussion and participation was the main focus of this group. It made it easier for me to share my ideas which led to discussions. It also helped me to challenge myself to come out of my comfort zone.
Dear Umme, CONGRATULATIONS on being accepted in an Honor Society!! What a great achievement! And wonderful for you that you were able to overcome your shyness and participate in discussions. I am sure your contributions were meaningful and important for others.
Best wishes 🙂
How will I create positive academic habits for myself ?
Sleeping well, exercising and waking up early. I often lose focus and get overwhelmed from lack of sleep and sleeping in only results in me losing more time during the day. Exercising gives endorphins and it’s the best way to relax and unwind and to clear my head
Dear Wynona,
Yes! Your post makes me think of ‘self-care’. This is SO important- especially during these uncertain times that we’ve all been experiencing over the past several months. Whether its going for a run, taking an online yoga class, meditating , connecting with friends/family, or watching an episode of your favorite show- making time for those things that keep you uplifted is so important.
Honestly, self-care is one of the hardest things to do as a student in my opinion. It’s such a a small thing, but it means so much in the grand scheme of things. I’ll probably have to join you in this goal as well.
How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
Staying focus and knowing the future is not very far
Dear Shannel,
Thank you for sharing! What are some things that you might be able to do to help you stay focused?
When I have been faced with a difficult situation, what strategies did I use to find a solution?
When I am in a difficult situation, I always reach out to people who I know will give me support. I tell them about my problem and gain multiple perspectives from people I trust so I can make decisions.
– Make new connections! Always have at least one person to go to when you need some help in class, it could be the people sitting around you. I like to think the people sitting next to me are friendly and want to help.
– Ask the professor for help! Staying after class or going early was always beneficial to me because I could get one on one feedback from the professor. I encourage everyone to send emails when they have questions. Get to know the professor and don’t be afraid, they want to help you and want you to succeed.
– Give yourself a break, but most importantly never give up! Just remember that the classes you take are designed for you to pass. Know your working pace, do a little each day or even better just do it all at once. That way you don’t have to stress later.
Try to have one thing you look forward to in the week or take time out of your day to reflect on one thing you’re proud of! It can be small, but this has helped me finish my semesters strong. Staying positive can bring you a long way. I hope this helps!
Dear Evelyn, this is great advice you offer! I could not agree more about reaching out to peers or faculty whenever you need help. Now in the time of virtual learning you still should make many connections with your classmates and email your faculty to ask questions. You can also ask to meet with your faculty in Zoom or some other online conference if connecting and discussing in real time is better for you. We absolutely want all of our students to succeed, you are so right about it and I appreciate you know it 🙂
Please continue to stay positive and my best wishes to you this academic year!
When I feel bad or alone I thinking about positive things that happend in my life. Have a positive mind is very important to success in life not matter the circumstance we are in our life, live is so short and we have to enjoy it and get the best of it all the time.
Dear Alejandro,
Thanks for sharing. I agree-
Sometimes when challenges or disappointments arise, I also find it helpful the reflect on the positive things that have happened. This helps to shift my mindset, which also helps with seeing the solution to the problem!
What life experiences have prepared me for college?
My parents never went to college so they always tell me they whish so much to see me graduate and have a degree soon . I know that i had to be the first person to have a college degree in the family to make my family and my self very proud .My parents had always been there throughout my education in school and at home. They were always their to encoraged me. They always said nice things to me saying that i am a smart girl and that i am capable of doing anything i want. They where always very supportive. The relationship that i have with my family is very special. They helped me emotionally and mentally to become a better person and to be successful
Dear Daisy, how wonderful to hear you have such supportive family who encourage you! Congratulations on working on earning your college education as a first generation student – I am absolutely sure you will make your parents proud 🙂
Best wishes!
My plan for creating positive academic habits for my self is to research and put into action different ways to achieve high scores on my assignments.
How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
I will use an organizer to keep track of deadlines, assignments due dates and exams. I’ll make sure to be in an area free of distractions during my class times and dedicate certain hours for studying.
Dear Michelle,
I love the idea of using an organizer to keep track of deadlines, assignments etc. Personally, I love using a physical organizer and the calendar on my phone, since it allows me to set reminders.
I often encourage my students to take the time during that first week of class to go through the syllabus for each of their classes, and program all deadlines, exams etc in their phones so that even if they forget, they’ll get a reminder of upcoming due dates. It’s like having a personal administrator in the palm of your hand! 🙂 There are so many tools at our disposal and we can use them in different way to help us stay focused and on task.
In case my original academic plan does not work out, what would be my alternative plan?
I think the best thing is to speak with your academic advisor and importantly we have the biggest technology which is the internet to search other interest in continuing your academic career.
Even though it is said to have wasted time and money still ask questions to academic advisors.
Dear Kasian,
Of course, it is disappointing when your original educational plan doesn’t work out. However, you are absolutely correct to seek advice from your advisors and not let go of your dreams and aspirations, even if your eventual journey will be different from how you imagined it first. And I hope you will not think of your time in college as ‘wasted’ if you have to make a change: your knowledge and experience will ALWAYS stay with you and you will continue to benefit from it, even if you won’t see that effect right away.
I have seen many students who worked hard to get in our Dental Hygiene program but then had to leave for family or personal reasons, or they simply did not like it. Fortunately, I’ve heard from some of them that they indeed found their passion and continued their education and became very successful in their new chosen fields.
Wishing you much success in your academic journey!
What life experiences have prepared me for college?
The life experiences that have prepared me for college is essentially taking responsibility for certain measures such as things required,
– During this virtual environmental learning has also challenged me to become more responsible and be more susceptible towards being up to date on topics even outside of the classroom ton help motivate my strive for a better understanding.
Those were great advice i got from those students.
How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
I will create a time management planner to have control of each assignment due dates .
Time management is very important and I struggle with it.
Dear Guetanie, just like everything else, your time management skills will improve with continued practice and effort. Students here shared many of their methods to stay organized and manage their time effectively, I hope many of their suggestions will be helpful to you.
How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
I will create positive academic habits for myself by
-staying focused and not getting distracted.
-waking up early to get my work done.
-writing down notes and go over them after class.
Dear Guetanie,
I love that you mentioned writing down notes! This is so important, especially during lectures and class discussions. Studies show that we tend to remember things better when we write information down as opposed to just relying on our memory. This is a wonderful habit to implement in the coming semester!
When I have been faced with a difficult situation, what strategies did I use to find a solution?
The first thing to do when faced with such situations is to be calm, doing so helps you to think clearly and not make drastic decisions. If that doesn’t work then i take a day or so clear my head then deal with the situation.
This is an excellent way to avoid making a wrong decision, Odessa. ‘Sleep on it’ is a tried and proved way to let yourself take your mind away from the problem (if possible) and come back to it after some time. You may see it very differently, and you may also come up with a good solution that wasn’t visible to you at first.
How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
Creating positive academic habits for myself is very important. Since English is not my first language, I often feel stressed in class and worry that I cannot keep up with my classmates and instructors. It means that I have to spend more time and energy on studying. However, I create three ways to improve my study habits.
Firstly, make a plan for my study. It includes both timetables and practice items. Also, the plan should be updated based on the progress of my study from time to time. Once the plan is made, I follow it strictly.
Secondly, make full use of time in the class and preview the materials. I take notes of the critical points of every class. Then, I will review what I learned and do the practice questions to find what I do not understand.
Finally, I would like to discuss course materials with my classmates and friends. Spending time with friends is very important. If I concentrate all the time on school, the stress will be even greater, so it is necessary to talk with my friends to relieve it.
Dear Ying, it looks like you have created a great plan for yourself to be successful in college! And to you and other students who have shared that they are non-native English speakers, even though you do have to work harder studying in English, it will absolutely not prevent you from achieving great results. And while at first you may look at it as an obstacle, you will soon see the benefits of knowing two (or more!) languages in our diverse multilingual society.
Best wishes to you 🙂
When I have been faced with a difficult situation, what strategies did I use to find a solution?
I know that in any difficult situation that I’ve faced, the first thing I need to do is take a deep breath, and try and calm myself down. I realized that it doesn’t me or anyone if I am visibly frustrated. The situation happened, and I just need to find a solution. I tend to deep reflective thinking and run through different scenarios in my head before proceeding. I think that helps me to clear my mind, and help me to focus on the task at hand.
Hi Stephen,
I like that you mentioned taking time to think reflectively. The answers to the problem often comes from this time of reflection and even prepares us for other challenges that may arise down the road. Sometimes trying to respond right away leads to impulsive actions which can actually set us back. Taking that time to reflect and THEN respond is the key to fixing the issue.
How I will create a positive academic habits for myself?
Creating a positive habits for my self is very important because I get stressed and shy because English I’m not my fist language. I try my best to do all I can with my studies also get to know new people help me a lot because I get to learn different thing every single day .
Dear Edwina,
Thank you for sharing! I love that you mentioned getting to know new people in your post, as this is a great way to learn and grow in an academic setting. We all have so much that we can learn from one another and it’s great when that happens in community. Building community in a virtual setting might be a bit different than doing so in person, but it’s definitely possible and can be beneficial to everyone!
What life experiences have prepared me for college?
Getting turned down for jobs on the medical field just because I didn’t have a degree. My certificate wasn’t enough and I kept getting turned down for jobs. And so I decided I have to be better for my kids. I have to be an example someone they could be proud of. So here I am. Ready and determined to do this.
Dear Skeritte,
Thank you for choosing CityTech to earn your education in a medical field and get your degree! We are so lucky to have such motivated students as you are and I have no doubt that with your determination you will be successful. Your children will definitely be proud of you and your example will guide them in their lives.
Best wishes to you in your academic journey!
How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
As a transfer student, I have experience in college life. Since I wasn’t a native English speaker, it was challenging me to communicate with my classmates and professors and I was shy to speak up because of my accent. But studying with groups helped me to improve my speaking and they make me comfortable sharing my thoughts in front of everyone. When you have good friends at college, it’s easy to create positive academic habits. Learning alone sometimes stressful, so you need someone to talk, to relax your mind. However, not only friends but also I was taking advantage of office hours to engage with my professors. They are always available to help when in need. So I think as a new student at City Tech, it’s very important to make good friends and follow a guide/plan to keep on track with your studies, and also, engage in different clubs will create positive academic habits.
Dear Mahishi, I am glad to hear that by studying in groups and developing friendships with your classmates, you were able to overcome your shyness to speak. You should think of your accent as an asset because it demonstrates that you know more than one language!
I hope you will find many new friends and make important connections in CityTech, just like you have in your previous institution.
Best wishes 🙂
How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
The habits that I choose to take are, getting at least 6-8 hours of sleep so I can be laser focused for my classes. Dedicate some time to work on assignments. Find a dedicated room where I can focus on my studies.
Dear Rey,
I absolutely agree with what you shared. I think having a designated space where you study and meet with your classes is a great strategy for success. It takes the guess work out of trying to figure out where you plan to be, when you have that one particular space that you already planned to be for academic work. Its also a great way to intentionally eliminate distractions.
How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
since I’m a shy person and English is not my first language, I used to be scared to speak up in class or ask questions in class because of my accent. so, creating a positive academic habits for myself will help me a lot since I’ve struggled to keep up with my professors. this time I will make sure to not make the same mistake.
I will be sleeping 8-9 hours, dedicate time for meditation, staying focused, getting my work done early or on time, writing notes down, create a time management planner, dedicate hours for study, participate in the school clubs and I will try to get out of my comfort scone and make good friends.
How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
since I’m a shy person and English is not my first language, I used to be scared to speak up in class or ask questions in class because of my accent. so, creating a positive academic habits for myself will help me a lot since I’ve struggled to keep up with my professors. this time I will make sure to not make the same mistake.
I will be sleeping 8-9 hours, dedicate time for meditation, staying focused, getting my work done early or on time, writing notes down, create a time management planner, dedicate hours for study, participate in the school clubs and I will try to get out of my comfort scone and make good friends.
Dear Phania,
I commend you for being willing to step out of your comfort zone. That is not always easy and definitely takes courage, but is also often the key to our success. If at any point you feel like you need clarity for any of your classes, don’t hesitate to reach out to your professors for clarity. We all have office hours that are designed to be available for our students if they need assistance. Also, making friends and building relationships with your peers can be really helpful as you move forward with your studies.
Wishing you a wonderful semester ahead!
What life experiences have prepared me for college?
Being the first in my family to attend college, I have seen first hand how hard it has been for my family to find a good paying job with no degree and struggling to make ends meet on a minimum wage budget. Going to college is the first step in the right direction of becoming not only more knowledgeable, but more financially stable in life.
Dear Kiera,
Congrats to you for taking that step towards earning your degree! Wishing you a successful fall semester ahead.
In case my original academic plan does not work out, what would be my alternative plan?
Well if we have in person classes my alternative would be to take strictly online classes that have always worked in my favorite in my 2 year college.
Hi Jaida,
It sounds like you have some experience taking online classes in the past? Would you mind sharing some strategies that worked really well for you as you engaged in online learning? Based on your experiences, are there any things that you might do differently the next time around?
How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
As a student, I like to set goals for myself and make myself strive for bigger and better things academically. Setting goals and planning what to do during a semester helps me achieve them such as studying consistently, reading more, researching information and taking notes. I consider these goals positive academic habits because the outcome of these goals are good grades and I’m educating myself and expanding my knowledge, therefore, they will benefit me.
I agree. Setting an optimistic viewpoint towards our goals will always encourage us to chase it more. Especially when they were challenging and how it taught us some valuable skills afterwards.
Dear Johana,
I loved that you mentioned the potential outcomes of your goals. I think that is one of the key steps to actually doing well: knowing what you want the outcome to be. That helps you to determine what you actually have to do to get there. You’ve set the destination in advance, and have laid out the path to get you there.
How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
Because my house tends to be noisy, I’ll definitely have to make a schedule in regards to the amount of noise that is being produced. Joining in on a separate virtual meeting other than my required classes will get me and my peers a different way to study in a more social and memorable way.
Dear Ronaldo, It’s great that you are already thinking of ways to connect with your peers outside of scheduled class time. It is true, that study groups and interaction with classmates may look a bit different than if we were meeting in person, BUT it is definitely possible! Thankfully the technology available allows us to meet in creative ways that we may not have been able to in the past. From Zoom, to Whats app, FaceTime, Google Teams etc etc students can meet with one another in order to have an even more enriching learning experience. Thanks for sharing!
When I have been faced with a difficult situation, what strategies did I use to find a solution?
Whenever I’m faced with difficult situations the first thing I do is talk myself down. “This situstion is not as bad as it could have been” I count to 20, breathe deeply with my eyes closed. When I’ve done this I usually reassess the situation listing the pro and cons. Then I strategize a about the steps need to correct the situation, prioritize what needs to be done and get it done without procrastinating.
Dear Oneeka, I love that you have a clear plan on how to approach challenges. Without a plan sometimes the first response is to panic which can block the answers that might be right in front of us! Having a plan in place allows us to prioritize what’s important and strategize a solution as you mentioned.
When I have been faced with a difficult situation, what strategies did I use to find a solution?
Whenever I am faced with a difficult situation I use the following:
1. Remain calm
2. Practice patience
3.Use my listening /visual/communication skills
4. Sympathize/apologize if applicable to situation
5. Find a solution/refer to someone that can assist in resolving the issue
Dear Angela, thank you for sharing your strategies – I’m sure they will be helpful to your peers. I especially appreciate your advice about staying calm and being patient. When faced with a difficult situation, often we can become upset or angry, so we should try to step away from it for some time to regain our composure, think clearly, find a reasonable solution, and address the situation in a calm manner. This patient and calm approach will help us deal with the difficulties we are presented with without possibly making the situation even worse.
Wishing you much success this semester!
How will I create a positive academic habits for myself?
As a student and someone who is busy with work etc… I would like to start planning my day , make a schedule so I can get things done and get better at time management.
I completely support your goal. I would suggest getting a to-do-list pad or a little notebook which you can personalize.
It is very hard to balance your studies and work and be able to complete everything, and on time. But it is certainly possible with good planning and scheduling! Time management skills are very important not only while you’re a student but also once you graduate college and work in your professional field. I am sure you will be well prepared!
Best wishes 🙂
How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
I believe I have already done this in the past seeing as that I have always made a to do list every single week. By listing down all the things I need to do each and every day, I keep myself organized and on track. Another positive academic habit I’ve been practicing is to make sure I either read the necessary readings earlier or on time so in that way I’d be able to do other assignments on time as well.
Dear Jinky, I appreciate your advice on staying on top of your readings, and even doing them ahead of time. In the dental hygiene courses I teach, there are so many readings assigned to students, from their textbooks and outside sources (journals, websites). Students are able to successfully complete them by dividing the work so it all doesn’t accumulate for the last day and by reading ahead of time everything they can. In fact, many times they ask me to post the reading assignments for the future sessions and topics coming up so that they prepare in advice.
Best wishes to you!
I agree that having a To-do list is important. it can be used to keep track of everything you need to do. I get a sense of fulfillment when I cross things off my to-do list. You have to discipline yourself to do what needs to be done in a timely manager.
Dear Lauren, I agree! Having a list and crossing items off it when they are done feels great! When all tasks are completed and crossed off, it visually demonstrates your accomplishments, doesn’t it?
Good luck with your studies this semester!
Like above comments, time management is key to any type of success. Understanding how to prioritize will immensely impact your experience in college. Starting with most important to least important tasks in order to stay on top of class and meet all required deadlines. Have great time management will help you from being overwhelmed, procrastination and excel in your classes.
Dear Emily,
Time management is such an important skill to develop. As you mention, learning how and what to prioritize is a skill, which takes practice and learning. Like all skills, students get better at time management as they progress through their semesters of college, so try not to get too frustrated if time management technique doesn’t work. Try another.
One technique that I’m using myself is: 1-3-5. I choose one big task to complete; three medium tasks to complete; and 5 smaller or faster tasks. That way I can have a sense of finishing something, even if the one big task feels daunting.
Good luck trying out time management techniques and good luck this semester!
Professor Sears, I love your 1-3-5 technique!! I will try to adapt it myself as I think it is very helpful not only to keep our tasks moving, but also to appreciate that we actually do complete them (eventually 😉 ).
Thank you for sharing!
How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
I always found it helpful to have a planner and to make a to-do list. These have always helped me stay on track and make sure I get my work done on time and not to procrastinate. It is a big relief when I can cross tasks off in my planner knowing all of my work is done. These have helped with time management and not getting overwhelmed with the amount of work I have.
Dear Victoria,
Time management is a major concern for students, and you can see the focus on that throughout this discussion thread. To-Do Lists are helpful. I make them for my own work, and since we have moved online, have made them also for my classes. There is something really gratifying about crossing off items in the To Do list, and there are more and more types of planners available, both hard copy and online.
My suggestion is to try different types of planning strategies. If you get overwhelmed at typical times (beginning of the semester or mid-semester times are typical), remember that you may have to adjust your strategies. Explore other possibilities for planning, or even better, try to connect with your peers and ask what strategies they are using.
Good luck this semester!
My high school lifestyle will surely help me transition into college because I know what does or does not work for me. I know what environments would make me the most productive and I will be able to make the adjustments needed to feel most comfortable, as well as productive.
Dear Nigel, it is great that you have learned already what works for you! My one advice would be is to stay flexible in case your preferred learning conditions are not possible for any reason. For example, when the college closed and we moved to teaching and learning online, it was a very abrupt change and it wasn’t easy for any of us (my students or myself) to adjust to the new way to teach, learn, and even communicate. With some effort and lots of open minds and flexibility, we all adapted to the new virtual environment and successfully completed the course. Hopefully, such drastic changes will not be necessary again, and you all are ready to start your semester learning completely online. But do have a ‘plan B’ for the unwelcome circumstances such as no power or internet (as some people are still experiencing after the recent storm). The better prepared we are, the less stressful any such situations can be.
Best wishes to you!
Life experiences that prepared me for college…… I would say my kids, they play a big role in my education they are my motivation. This year in college I will create positive habits for my self by putting my self first.
Family support is the best motivator!! I hope your kids will continue to motivate you, Leticia, and cheer you on as you begin your academic journey with us. You will surely provide an example for them and inspire them too!
Best of luck this semester!
Determination and motivation are what you need to succeed. To begin you have to take each class very serious. Do not wait the last minute before the exam to study. Read as much as you can and always make time for school, time to study, to read, for assignments and be on time for class. Do your parts.
Dear Jimmy, you are so right – you must have determination and be motivated to succeed. This is especially important in online environment where students are more independent than in the traditional in-person learning. It may be harder to maintain your schedule and joggle the many responsibilities you may have in addition to studying. But it is definitely possible to be successful if students follow your advice to do their readings and prepare fro classes ahead of time, to not put the assignments to the last minute, and to always be on time. In the end, your professors can give you all the resources and information to study, but it is the student’s responsibility to, as you say, do their part, and study and participate.
Best wishes to you and I hope you have a successful semester!
How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
I will create positive academic habits for myself by making sure i have all of the resources i need to be successful and have all the knowledge i need in order to do that. I will keep my schedule composed of all of my classes in order to know what times and what class i have at that time. I will also work to hand work in on time and participate every time i am asked of me to do so. I will also limit my time of things that will distract me and make learning first since that could be a difficult task since we are not in person in these times. I will do my best to stay on track and not let obstacles get in the way of being a good student.
Dear Brielle, it looks like you have a great plan with many helpful strategies. I’d like to note one of them that you mentioned: PARTICIPATION. It is always important to be an active participant in class work and discussions, but in the online environment it is even more so. It will help us all become more familiar with each other and develop good communication. This is important for creating a positive course climate and learning atmosphere even when we only see each other as avatars. Your verbal and written interactions with your classmates and your professors will help us create a community which we will have to miss in person, but which still is very much possible online. So please be active in your classes and your participation can also motivate other students!
Very best wishes to you and thanks for sharing!
“How will I create positive academic habits for myself?”
– I will make sure to still keep a routine and follow my normal process of studying.
– Taking the adequate time away from social media/distractions and electronics.
– EAT!
– Buy all materials and books ahead of time.
– Re-read notes/slides
Hi Tasha,
Thanks for participating in this activity and thinking about how you can create positive academic habits. I’m an English professor and have seen many students trying to implement the very habits you are thinking about. Figuring out an effective study and class routine and establishing a schedule, which you emphasize, will be even more important as we go online! You might have to try a few methods before you figure out what “normal” means. So, don’t get frustrated if your “normal process” of studying needs to be revised from time to time. THere are times in the semester that are busier than others, such as mid-terms and finals. Be open to reassessing from time to time.
Staying away from social media distractions will also be challenging as you will be online already. There are some ways to discipline yourself through social media blocking apps, but you can also just set a timer and discipline yourself.
It’s good you are thinking about your materials and books. See what information you can find about course requirements before classes begin. And once classes start, figuring out a note-taking system can really help.
Good luck! If you have time, you might look through the other comments that have been made here. They are thoughtful. Welcome to City Tech!
“How will I create positive academic habits for myself?”
I will create positive academic habits for myself by putting school as my number one priority. I am returning back to school to finish my degree and this time, I am more equipped to take on college. I will create a calendar with all my classes and schedule in my study/schoolwork time and then with any free time, I will schedule in social events. I will make sure I am eating well and sleeping well. It is very important for me to be able to manage my time wisely and to have an well-organized routine when it comes to school so that I can stay focus on my goals. Another habit I will create for myself is to reach out if I need any help and to use the resources provided by the school.
Dear Sydney,
Thank you for participating in this activity and for offering possibilities about how to create academic habits. Many students have written about their plans for time management, which is a big part of figuring out how to succeed and meet your goals throughout your college career. Balancing your new responsibilities and the time they take involves trial and error and finding a consistent routine.
It’s good that you are also thinking of how and where you can get help and advice.l This is a key to being successful your first semester. All of your peers are uncertain about what is coming and that may be a bit unsettling, but this time can also offer a sense of discovery and fun. Communicate with your professors often. If you have declared a major and know who your advisor is, consult them when you need to find out about registration and second semester classes. And….ask questions of your peers. Both new students and returning students might have ideas for situations you encounter.
Good luck and welcome to City Tech!
How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
I will create positive academic habits for myself by creating a schedule for myself each day. This is will help me develop time management skills and be able to accomplish what I need to each day. I work very hard to achieve my academic goals and time management will definitely be an efficient strategy to get me to my main goals!
Dear Alexandria,
Thank you for participating in this activity! You are on the right track already by thinking about time management and scheduling. If you have time to read through the comments on this page, you will see you are not alone. Figuring out how to get things done on time and remember when deadlines are is a big part of doing well in college. And, practically, this is also a skill you will take forward in life.
As the semester goes on, you will find a routine that works for you. Make priorities and To-Do lists and consider using a calendar to consolidate all of the due dates from your different course syllabi. Different courses require different levels of concentration, so try new things the initial weeks and figure out a pattern that works for you and for the specific courses you are taking.
Good luck this semester and welcome to City Tech!
I will create a positive habitat for myself by creating a a schedule and staying on top on my work and not waiting for the last minute to get work done and by waking up early to create a productive routine. I will also create a study space that is not distracting and that’s productive.
Dear Nicole,
These are great habits to consider for the upcoming semester. Waiting until the last moment to begin assignments often creates so much unnecessary stress. I always recommend that students set reminders on their phones or eCalendars so that they can be reminded in advance when assignments are due. It’s even a good idea to break bigger projects into smaller pieces so that it doesn’t feel so overwhelming.
Also, as you mentioned having a routine can be really helpful. It takes the guessing out of trying to figure out what has to get done from day to day. This along with having a designated work space will be really helpful with staying focused and on task in the semester ahead!
All the best for the fall!
How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
I will create positive academic habits for myself by reading the course lessons each day and not reading all the lessons the night before an exam.
I will ask questions when I don’t understand.
I will take my own notes.
I will allow myself time to rest and take in information.
I will post positive words on index cards in view around the house to remind me why I am in school and that will give me some encouragement to keep going when it gets hard.
Dear Rebekah,
Thanks for writing down your answer to this prompt. Your ideas are right on target and address issues that affect many, if not most students, in particular during their first semester of college. Waiting to read or complete material until the night before the exam is problematic on a number of levels. When we read materials on deadline, we often skim or don’t take notes as we should. Also, stress levels are higher and we may remember things in our short term memory rather than our long term memory. Setting up a schedule or study plan at the beginning of the semester with major test or assignment dates can be beneficial for working through assignments in a timely matter.
As Professor Pericles mentions in another comment above, use your phone or eCalendar to remind yourself about deadlines and consider breaking down or “chunking” your assignments to feel less overwhelmed by large projects. This kind of organization will provide the time you want for resting and absorbing the information more soundly.
Posting positive words on index cards is a great method for staying focused on what you ultimately to achieve. The smaller tasks and activities you might encounter are much easier to do when you keep the larger end goal in mind.
Thanks again for responding here! If you have time, you might read through some of the other comments or answer another reflection question.
Good luck and welcome to City Tech!
How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
There are a few ways in which I will create positive academic habits for myself. Firstly, I will try to remain focus at all times. Secondly, I will try to not procrastinate and complete all my assigned tasks on time. Lastly I will get the proper amount of rest and reamin in postive throughout so that I will have the engery and drive to complete each semester.
Dear Asha,
Thank you for responding to this question. Trying to think about habits you want to create now will help you get off to a good start. You have the right ideas: maintaining focus; finishing work on time; and trying to get rest and stay positive while trying to adjust to learning online.
I suggest you think about tools and techniques to work on these goals. For focus, some people like the “pomodoro technique,” using a timer to work in 25 minute increments. You might also think about using To-Do lists and using apps to set reminders and deadlines,
Staying positive will also be very important for motivation. I suggest you take a look at some of the social events that will be happening online through City Tech. With this online format, socializing will take some effort, but finding new friends in school is a key to staying positive and motivated.
Good luck Asha! If you have time, you might look back at some of the other suggestions people have given on this page or respond to another question. Welcome to City Tech!
How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
I will start with a productive environment and mindset. I will remind myself of the goals that I have created and I will try my hardest to use my goals for reasons to continue my education even when I am tested. I will create a routine that will provide me with proper sleep and overall good health in order to be motivated to complete difficult assignments.
Dear Skyler, what you mention is very important: if it becomes difficult and overwhelming (as it certainly can!), you should remind yourself of your goals and remember that what you do every day in every class in college eventually leads you to achieving those goals. Do not give up, stay positive even if it gets hard, especially in the busy times of mid-semester and your finals. With good planning and staying on top of your readings and course assignments, you will feel prepared for your exams and bigger course projects. We call it ‘scaffolding’ – it is breaking down big assignments and projects into smaller, more manageable pieces that when completed on time, will sum up and lead to a successful completion of the big overall project. Completing smaller assignments and doing your readings regularly over the course of 15 weeks of the semester, will lead you to finishing the entire course and gaining the knowledge and experience to move forward as you are working towards your degree.
Best wishes!
What life experiences have prepared me for college?
A life experience that has prepared me for college was when my sister went away for college and I was on my own in High school. I had to learn that yes there might be times where you have someone by your side to help you when you need it, but sometimes you need to learn that it’s ok to be on your own sometimes, it’s great to become more independent. I always tell myself that it’s ok to fall sometimes and pick yourself up even in the worst time in life, making mistakes and owning up to it and just try to get to know yourself more. Knowing that I am a very determined person even when times get difficult, I reflect on my self and the rollercoaster I have ride on my whole life. Life is a lesson where each and everyday we learn from it.
This was very helpful
How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
Being a transfer student, I noticed a lot of bad academic habits that I’ve had in the past. For this upcoming semester I will work on procrastination and time management. I use to believe that working under pressure (completing assignments last minute) was a more effective plan for me but then I realized how stressful it was becoming. Planning accordingly and completing assignments ahead of time will be my new positive academic habits.
Dear Kiana,
It is great that you learn from your past experiences and change your learning strategies to what will work better for you! I am sure you’re not alone in thinking (as you have in the past) that learning right before the exam was most effective for you. Perhaps you thought that you will remember it better if you read all the material very close to the exam date, rather than reading it weeks prior and then forgetting some of it. But what we learn needs time and often repetition to be remembered and for that new knowledge to be easily retrieved from our memory. I always recommend my students to read all assignments before each class, then again review after the lecture and match the readings with your class notes, and then review everything when getting ready for the exam. This way, you will have seen all the material you need to know at least three times and of course it will be understood and remembered much better.
Best wishes to you!
What do I need to know about the resources offered by the college that I can access to help me become a better learner?
I think there are still quite a few resources and ways that I can access to help me become a better learner. Even though the pandemic has taken hold of the world, getting in contact with professors by email is still one of the main ways to stay in touch with professors and to get support. I often emailed my professors in college, personally, so it’s a great way to learn more and to gain extra knowledge. Beyond that, time management is key – perhaps even more so now than ever. In some ways, it might be harder to avoid stay on top of the clock or to avoid procrastinating now – especially with all the distractions of technology. Yet it is precisely that same technology that will connect us all – bringing students like me and professors in one virtual classroom.
Dear Kitty, I appreciate your advice to reach out to your professors when you need help or just have a question. Yes, please, email us and you will see that your professors will try to help as much as they can! Sometimes, it may be more effective for us to set up a zoom meeting to help our students individually or in a small group, and so there is definitely technology to help us connect and work together!
I also appreciate your comment about the powers of technology to help us learn and connect, but also to distract us from what we should concentrate on. It happens to everyone, and a simple text or social media post can take our attention to a whole different direction and it will be much harder to go back to what we were doing and focus again. What works for me is turning off the email and other notifications (unless you expect something very important) and keep your phone on silent during the times when you study and must concentrate.
Good luck to you this semester!
I really appreciate all the advice.
Thank you
How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
Due to covid, my academic habits had changed and not for the better. Trying to get use to the new normal and getting ‘decent’ to seat in front of the camara to take class in my house (full of distrcation) is not my thing. But this semester I will wake up earlier and get off from bed and take my classes in my desk.I will use my planner and due things like I would in person.
Dear Vanessa, it is definitely a challenge to learn and participate virtually, as opposed to in person. I completely understand that it may be difficult to get ready and be ‘presentable’ for an on-camera class, especially at home that is our private space and where we may have many distractions.
I wouldn’t worry too much about dressing up – just wear what feels comfortable, and as you said ‘decent’. If you will have any more formal events in your class, then ask your professor if any dress code will be suggested. As for the surroundings, if you will use zoom you can select a virtual wallpaper. You may check if this option is also available on Blackboard. Try not to stress over the appearances – what’s important is your presence and participation 🙂
Best wishes to you!
I believe that building good habits are extremely important, especially now with covid changing everyone’s lives.
How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
I will ensure that I keep a to do list of deadlines as well as handing in assignments on time. I also need to find a space other than my bed to work in so I’m not too cozy, it’s extremely hard not to stay in bed and work since we are working from home. I’ll definitely make those efforts and changes for this semester.
Dear Shereese,
You certainly have an important point! Many students and professors are trying to figure out the most productive space to work in at home, so you are not alone. My advice is to try a couple of places if possible. Different classes may need different types of spaces, especially if they are synchronous or asynchronous.
Be willing to try a couple of different spaces and to ask other students how they are coping finding the right space to work in. Try also to designate places where you can do homework without too much distraction, which can be a challenge. If you have time, you might want to look through this thread at previous comments and see how others are dealing with organization and time management challenges.
Thank you for responding to this activity and good luck this semester!
Where can i find some basic information based on Majors.
Dear Nabeel,
There are a variety of ways to find information about specific majors, but a good place to start is either in the City Tech catalog:
You can also find listings of academic departments on the City Tech website listing programs and majors.
Good luck this semester!
How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
I’ll create positive academic habits for myself by:
– Setting an appropriate time to go to bed so I can get eight hours of sleep and wake up earlier.
– Getting as much natural sunlight as possible and supplementing with artificial light, so I won’t be more inclined to sleep.
– Working and studying in an area that is quiet yet not extremely cozy. I have to avoid lying down or becoming tempted to do so, so I can stay awake and work to my best ability.
– Eating foods that are energizing.
– Designating times and intervals for work, study, and rest to avoid burning out.
– Taking advantage of office hours.
– Sorting assignments by difficulty, due date, estimated time of completion, the date assigned, length, and requirements. After doing so, I’ll proceed to complete them with these things in mind.
Dear Tara, these are all great strategies – thank you for sharing!
I wanted to specifically address your comment about healthy, energizing foods – this is so true! Try to avoid processed foods and especially sugars, eat more fruits and vegetables, if possible. In addition to providing good nutrition, a crunchy apple (which will be in season very soon!) may also stimulate you and wake you up 🙂 Also, try to find the time to exercise, or simply walk outside if workouts are not your thing. Fresh air and mild physical activity like walking are very rejuvenating and I find it helps me think and plan my thoughts, work activities and tasks.
Best wishes to you!
What life experiences have prepared me for college?
– Getting a job in the career field you want to pursue.
– Living Independently or dorm help tone down any distractions or stress.
– Snacking is a distraction but keeps me feeling more awake during lectures or doing homework for long periods. Drinking coffee, tea, sugar drinks are less distracting.
– Doing tasks earlier than ideal, more time to review.
– Exercise
– Doing own research and communicating with many sources to get what you need.
– Making own independent decisions, wants, needs.
– Sometimes it’s better to do it yourself than ask a tutor/ TA in order to save time. Also, it is actually better to ask the teacher to review with you for hard courses because you will know exactly what they want because the tutor/ TA mite sometimes not know which is not their fault. You should still see a tutor if you need their support. One on one with a tutor who is a great teacher is really helpful on confusing problems.
– Waking up early gives me energy
– Don’t get sick during finals, your asking for the worst.
– Facing discrimination, verbal harassment, or a teacher that sucks; You mite not know when signing up and be stuck in that class. So pick and choose your battles. Even if you mite not agree with the teacher sometimes. Less stress to just focus on your work. Find other ways to make the class subject enjoyable to study, like with an awesome classmate. Because I know those non-enjoyable little things can make you not enjoy that subject.
Dear Talieh,
Thank you for responding to this post! You make many good observations here regarding the life experiences students have before attending college that can prepare them for successful learning.
As City Tech (and much of CUNY) does not have the dorm option you mention, learning how to make independent decisions about your current living situation certainly translates to learning how to make independent choices throughout your college experience, Independent choices include: figuring out which major most interests you, taking the initiative to create your own study groups or social activities to invest in the social community of the college, and making sure to stay on top of registration and financial aid deadlines. Personal habits, such as diet and exercise habits you mention, are also largely drawn from life experience. These sometimes have to be adjusted when the semester gets tough.
Regarding the challenge of dealing with an instructor who you may not connect with, focussing on the work and getting through the course is one effective tactic. As a professor myself, I also encourage reaching out and trying to establish a more personal connection. Attend office hours, however they may be held this year. Email specific questions about work. Try to make connections with other peers in the class. Lastly, sometimes looking up more about the course topic on your own can add material that gives more context to the ideas discussed in class. Get excited about the topic on your own!
Regarding tutors, many students have found tutoring to be helpful. While getting help from instructors is valuable, if you have tutors in a specific major, you might end up establishing a professional relationship with a tutor that will extend from one semester to the next, in other words, longer than a single semester. If you try a tutoring session and don’t find it what you want the experience to be, try again with another tutor. Just as teaching styles vary, tutoring styles are also very different.
Thanks again for responding. I hope this is helpful. Welcome to City Tech!
When I have been faced with a difficult situation, what strategies did I use to find a solution?
– When I had been faced with a difficult situation, the strategies I’ve used to find a solution is to change my way of thinking. In order to change my way of thinking my perspectives have to change. Usually in order for this to happen I need to have time for myself. Do things I like, like going out for a walk, doing exercise, going out on a bike ride while listening to music. Anything that gives me time to reflect for myself is usually where I can find the answer.
– Another strategy would be to ask for either help or advice.
Knowing how stubborn I can be at times is the way I usually be, by trying to figure things out by myself. But, I know that there’s always a time to ask for help because it’s the only thing you can do. Just because your asking for help doesn’t mean you got the answer, you got set up for the answer, but the rest is all you.
Dear Nicholas,
What a thoughtful answer! Learning to change our way of thinking and being willing to do that is a challenge that many students face when they first come to college. New students often experience a certain amount of uncertainty because they are in a new situation and are trying to do well while also learning to do many things at once.
Learning what kind of help you need and then identifying where to find help and seek it out is also an important factor. Be ready to ask more than one person sometimes. You have peers, professors, tutors, advisors, and other college personnel who might help you with what you need. Try to remember that this a major part of the college experience, whether it is online or in-person. All students need different types of support at different times.
Thanks for participating in this activity and good luck this semester!
-How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
I think the main thing I need to focus on is creating a very strict routine and discipline myself to stick with it. If I can divide my time and allocate time for school and my other hobbies and give my 100% to each activity throughout those allocated times, then I feel like I will develop good habits. Not only will that make sure that I get my work done, but it will help me be organized with my life.
Dear Eshan,
Time management is a major concern for students, and you can see the focus on that throughout this discussion thread. You mention creating a “strict routine.” This is important, but also remember that you may have to try different time management methods to find out what works for you.
Among ideas mentioned in previous posts are To-Do Lists. There is something really gratifying about crossing off items in the To Do list, and there are more and more types of planners available, both hard copy and online.
I like what you observe about learning how to manage priorities as a life skill. This is certainly a college skill that will transfer to all aspects of life.
Good luck this semester!
When I have been faced with a difficult situation, what strategies did I use to find a solution?
Whenever I feel like giving up whether It’s a work or school, I always remember I made it this fa. If I really couldn’t do it, I wouldn’t be here. So I take a breath and listen to some music or go for jog to clear my mind.
Dear Francine, thank you for sharing your positive outlook! Indeed, you have made it this far and you CAN be successful going forward! Also, as many students mentioned before, and I completely agree, taking a break and especially doing some physical activity, like running or walking outside (if possible), will be so helpful to clear your mind, re-organize your thoughts and ideas and get a better focus on what’s ahead. As a bonus, you’ll feel re-energized 🙂
Best wishes this semester and beyond!!
“What do I need to know about the resources offered by the college that I can access to help me become a better learner?”
Honestly, where they are. My first goal after getting familiar with my classes will probably taking note of everything this place has to offer me in order to assist with my education. I’ve got a document set up in my text editor that I intend to use for this purpose.
Dear Alexander, welcome to City Tech! The many student resources available to you are here: Scroll down to Academic Resources and Student Services where you will find the answers to the many questions you may have as our new student. If you need help in your particular program or course, please reach out to your faculty – I’m sure they will be happy and able to help!
I hope this is helpful and good luck to you!
What life experiences have prepared me for college?
Experiences such as failures, facing obstacles, facing challenging and painful times have prepared me for college. They have taught me that no matter where you go in life, and no matter how difficult the situation can get, you are stronger than you think you are and you are as strong as you put yourself to be. There is always a way out, there is always a way through, it’s your job to put the effort into finding it.
Question: How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
* Learning how to handle virtual learning from High School has been a learning experience, but I think this experience is going to benefit me when attending College at city tech remotely. I have learned different skills and ways that work for me when it comes to my learning environment. Meaning I know how to take notes, I know how to prepare myself for my next class, and most importantly I know how to stay focused in my work space
What life experiences have prepared me for college?
To prepare me specifically for college, experiences like the recent lockdown of the city taught me how life can truly be unpredictable and how you need to be prepared for anything and how to bounce back from challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic hit everyone hard and I was no exception and I feel my experience from that can make me a stronger person towards challenges unknown.
Q: How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
A: While online school has become the new normal I’ve had time to adjust and test out what works for me and what doesn’t. The start of my habits begin as soon as I wake up so I tend to set alarms typically before class starts so I can focus on being on time. Having a clean working space also sets me up for success when completing assignments I also tend to write down which assignments I will complete and the order they will be completed in. Keeping this pace will help me create better habits for myself but time management is also a habit that I need o stay on top of because sometimes sit can be difficult.
I will create these positive habits, by starting to work on my time management. I will also have to start working on myself, to keep myself motivated. The ways to keep myself like this is by physical working out.
Question: How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
The way I will create positvie academic habits for myself is by settings a scheldule and making sure that manage my time. School is nothing new to me but college is not as simple as it may seem. I can work on improving my shyness so that I can ask for help for not only professors but from other students with more exprerince. I should also try my hardest to acheive past my goals. Do not just stop at your goal, if you achieve earlier than expected, keeping going father. there are no limts when it comes to achievements
When I have been faced with a difficult situation, what strategies did I use to find a solution?
When I was faced by a challenge a way I solved it was by reaching out to a friend or someone close to express my self to and it made me feel better and together came up with a solution.
How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
I will create a positive academic habit for myself by paying attention to my schedule, being motivate, asking for help whenever I need it and trying my best. I will learn from my previous mistakes and try to better myself and not make any of the wrong actions.
What life experiences have prepared me for college?
In the year prior to attending City Tech, I have worked as a helper in an HVAC company sourced in the 5 boroughs. This has taught me time management skills, problem solving skills, and collaborative skills. All of these skills can greatly assist me in my career at City Tech.
In case my original academic plan does not work out, what would be my alternative plan?
Well I don’t think the worst, i always think positive but if anything never goes as plan then no worries because I always have several back up plans. For example if college doesn’t work out for me ill simply invest my money in some rental properties or some other alternatives i have in mind which is plenty but I know that i will have to continue to work because nothing is guaranteed but if that doesn’t work out then my last and only option I have in mind that I prefer not to say or probably learn how to bartend.
I like your entrepreneurial spirit. Chances are you will complete college and I hope you will also become an entrepreneur. Back plans are important.
How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
I will create positive academic habit for myself by creating a routine. I will wake up and get an early and fresh start then I will eat and begin school which will allow me to be focused and ready to learn. Habits I will try is an organized study routine along with short breaks to refresh my mind and give it a rest. Along the way I will try more positive academic habits to see which ones will work best for me.
Hello Kaya,
I agree! Creating a routine will allow you to have a success mindset. Waking up early is a great way to start the day but ensuring that you have breakfast before your day begins is great as well! Keeping your mind and body fed.
Always make sure to make time for a break! You need on every time you get even just to stretch. You’ve got this!
When I have been faced with a difficult situation, what strategies did I use to find a solution?
When faced with a difficult situation, strategies I used are getting help from my friends and family so they can help me get further to getting through the problem. Also, other strategies are thinking of past experiences I have had and how I got through with those problems.
Hey Isaac,
That’s great! Having friends and family that can further assist you in a problem is amazing. Having that kind of support will definitely help you in the long run. Thinking about how to solve a difficult problem is the first step as you progress in college you will find new strategies that can be just as effective. Wishing you the best! 🙂
A life experience that has prepared me for college, even though it sounds a little weird, would have to be Covid. Covid changed how we learned in many ways. Having to spend my senior year of highschool completely online taught me that I’d have to teach myself a lot of things instead of always depending on my teachers to take me through it step by step. This will help me be prepared in college when we are given things that we have to figure out on our own.
Hello Johanne,
I agree! COVID has been an experience to teach us many things. I would say I as well learned new strategies and methods to learning through COVID. I’m glad you turned a negative into a positive in your own way. You have been adjusting yourself for college life and I am proud of you for being 10 steps ahead. You’ve got this! 🙂
In case my academic plan doesn’t work what will I do ?
Honestly being a very ambition person I have more than one answer for this question , however I will only share one because that’s what the question requires . If my academic plan fails my next best bet is to move on to my next nature passion which is making a career in the Arts specifically Singing.
Hey Ashanti,
It’s always great to have a backup plan I am glad to hear that you are already thinking of one. Have faith your academic plan will work out though I believe in you! 🙂 Wishing you the best experience here at City Tech!
How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
I will create positive academic habits for myself by making a to do list with things to do like studying at certain time or when I should get my work done and what time should I make it to class. I make sure to memorize my habits in order for successful work and being a good academic student.
Hello Ali,
To-do lists are a great tool to use in college and keep yourself on track for success. Visually seeing when things need to be done and make sure you reach your deadlines ahead of time. If you continue to use a to-do list throughout your career it will do you well. I wish you the best at City Tech and your journey! 🙂
What life experiences have prepared me for college?
I finished my high school long time ago because of I don’t have degree I couldn’t get good job. Even though it is kind of late I joined college for degree, for better job and for better future. And I always like technical field.
Hello Kiran,
It is never too late to attend college and I am glad you are in City Tech today! You will prosper in your college career and will have the City Tech resources to help you. Wishing you the best and I hope you have an amazing college experience at City Tech. 🙂
What do I need to know about the resources offered by the college that I can access to help me become a better learner?
I most likely need to know information like office hours, library hours, where study groups might be, and any other helpful information my professors might tell me. I’m sure there are even more resources offered, so I’ll make sure to pay attention for any more.
What life experiences have prepared me for college ?
On multiple occasions I have been placed in settings which where both challenging as well as time sensitive. These have both taught me to be proactive with anything important aka school. I have been very much involved in my community which taught me skills of working with others and allowing myself to build teams skills along with communication skills, which are all things I hope to use in college.
Hello Sameea,
I have been there as well when I had to learn things can be challenging when they are time-sensitive. I love that you are involved in your community and that you are proactive with anything regarding classes. Prioritizing classes and working with others is a also great skill to have and you will definitely use these skills throughout your time here in college! I’m wishing you the best of luck here at City Tech!
Hello Ethan,
Knowing information such as the office hours, library hours, study rooms, etc are useful. Your professors and peer mentors are the perfect guides to lead the way for you. Take advantage of your professor’s office hours, they are provided for a reason. Your tuition covers the resources being provided, use them! I wish you the best in your college journey. 🙂
How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
I believe the most crucial part of creating positive habits, in general, is to be motivated and consistent. If I want to wake up early every day and make sure I have a set study time for each of my classes I must stay consistent. With consistency these small tasks become habits and you must be motivated in order to be consistent.
Hello Jaelah,
I totally agree that you have to be motivated and consistent when it comes to creating positive academic habits! It’s great to plan out time for each class because it allows you to prepare for each class equally. When it comes to motivation I find creating goals and rewards for myself super helpful to getting my work done. Don’t forget to reward yourself for sticking to your own schedule!
Routine is so helpful in being productive!
How will I create positive academic habits for myself ?
I will start by making a plan on how I would like my academic habits to be for example the first thing I would do is find a good place to study regularly . It’s important for me because it will help focus and study on the material that i’m learning about . The second step is to organize and keep track of schedule to achieve my goals and keep track of certain things . The nest step I would do is review the notes that are being taught during the lectures and after class . Then the last thing I would do is sticking to a very important sleep schedule because having rest is very important . I needed to help me stay focus, which includes not being on my electronic device when i’m supposed to be rejuvenate my brain.
Hello Quettenise,
It’s great that you start by making a plan and finding a workspace that works best with you so that you can focus best! I like how you said that staying organized can help you keep track of everything in order to achieve your goals. Lots of great academic habits especially reviewing your notes after class and self-care. I also do many of these things if not all and they have helped me as a student to be successful so I know that you will be super successful as well!
Creating positive academic habits is quite easy, however the hardest part is actually maintaining the habits properly. Anyone can pull an over nighter to fix their sleep schedule but very few actually remain consistent in when they sleep and wake up.
Hello Justin,
Yes, I totally agree that maintaining positive academic habits can be quite difficult. Having a consistent sleep schedule is super important to our success as students as it can impact our focus. I find that planning out my activities throughout the week helps me manage my time so that I am not cramming and pulling all-nighters. Wishing you good luck in your upcoming semesters here at City Tech!
How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
I had a few things in mind for creating good habits like
Don’t attempt to cram all your studying into one session.
Plan when you’re going to study.
Study at the same time.
Each study time should have a specific goal.
Never procrastinate your planned study session.
Start with the most difficult subject first.
Hello Bilal,
It’s great that you developed these positive academic habits for yourself such as planning when you are going to study to prevent cramming! Studying with a specific goal in mind is a great way to learn because you are breaking things down in bite-size so everything is less overwhelming. Keep up the great work!
What life experiences have prepared me for college?
As I am a third-time transfer student, I have had my fair share of college experiences already. In the past, I had the tendency to spread myself too thin, overworking myself because I thought it meant I was getting more experience. In reality, I was focused on too many things to really be able to retain anything. I was also so mentally and physically drained that I couldn’t give my 100% to anything. At CityTech, my goal is to not do more than what I think will genuinely improve my experience and what will supplement my classes well.
How will I create positive academic habits for myself?
Plenty has changed recently although adapting to my new reality may fell challenging, it is crucial that I do. Working remotely may work in my favor when it comes to flexibility in my schedule since I do not have to commute to places I will have more time to exercise, cook an at home meal and study without having to walk to the library. Some habits that I would like to include in my daily life to succeed academically are:
– Getting a full 8 hours of sleep
-Create a study space in my home
-Plan my week in my planner to balance my work/life balance
Hello Stephanie,
Making sure you are well-rested, taking the time to study, and planning out your weeks are very important! As you continue you may feel the semesters becoming more and more challenging but finding routines and habits that can help you each semester will have a significant impact on you. Remember that although it may look like you have a lot of time you don’t so really plan yourself every semester! Can’t wait for you to experience college and City Tech. 🙂
How will i create positive academic habits for myself?
I will create positive academic habits for myself by studying and planning out specific times to do homework so that all my submissions are on time. I will also utilize all resources like office hours ton gain clarity on anything I do not understand. Routines are also something i will add to my habits so that it sticks so that it will be apart of my everyday life.
Faculty appreciate when student visit during their office hours, that is a great strategy to help you keep on track. When you contact your teacher for the meeting make sure to introduce yourself and also share the purpose of the meeting. For example “I would like to review the resources for the next assignment” or “I would like to talk to you about career options in ___area of study___”. This way your teacher can be better prepared for the conversation.
Have a great semester.
Being late to school can be challenging so it is important to reach out and stay for office hours to get caught up with everything.