Winter 2022 | Professors Julian Costa & Rebecca Olerich

Reflection #7: New Vocabulary

We explored the website and a significant amount of vocabulary today. How might this information help you as you start your first semester of college at City Tech? What advice might you give to another student who is starting their first semester at City Tech?


  1. Jesus

    During my time in Open lab I have learned about the importance of Syllabus and how to use them. I also learned about navigating to the city tech website. An advice I would give to a student who is starting their first semester is to apply for financial aid in order to support themselves financially in college.

    • Aneeza Hussain

      Jesus, I agree with the advice you gave. Financial aid is extremely important to apply to because if you are not able to pay for your tuition by the end of the semester then you won’t be able to apply for classes for the next semester.

  2. Noorshad Jahan

    During our session on vocabulary, I learned about etymology with is the study of words. This appears that I may use it during my spring semester. The citytech website is useful whenever I need to know the deadlines.

    • Aneeza Hussain

      Yes, believe it or not city tech website has a lot of answers to your questions. I’m glad you learned something new and useful.

  3. Rosalina Lopez

    During our session we learned about vocabulary and more about the City Tech website. Which I found really useful because I got more familiar with the college and how to navigate around the website.

    An advice I might give another student who is starting their first semester at City Tech is make sure they have all their programs and classes they need to get stored out. To write down a set schedule and plan accordantly. And to look at their class syllabus and get started on getting ahead so when class starts, they can be familiar with the class topic. Also, get familiar with blackboard, city tech email, and open lab.

    • Aneeza Hussain

      Rosalina, I agree with you on reviewing the syllabus before class to make sure you know what you will be during for the rest of the semester and making yourself aware of the rules for a particular course.

  4. Hannah Collazo

    The vocab we learned today helped me understand the language used we used in college. The advice I would give to another student starting the first semester is to always use your school email to communicate with your professors. and write everything down somewhere you will see all the time so you can’t ignore the assignments you’re procrastinating and start working.

    • Aneeza Hussain

      Yes, Hannah! Having City tech email is extremely vital in order to communicate with your professors and to receive other important emails from the school administration.

  5. Tray

    It’s important to have a full understanding of what you are being offered as a whole in college and so going on the website to explore is good for you to take full advantage of what is offered. I would advised a student starting their first semester to look into what else the school offers aside from the academics.

    • Aneeza Hussain

      Yes, I agree with you Tray. Knowing what your college offers other than the degrees is a great idea because it allows you to expand your knowledge and experience during your time in college.

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