Winter 2022 | Professors Julian Costa & Rebecca Olerich

Reflection #6, #aMAJORdecision

We invite you to tell a story about how you are preparing to be a City Tech student.* Research has shown that first-semester students often worry about their transition in to college, yet eventually they become comfortable and find a community of people with whom they are close and feel they belong. In the space below, share your own story of preparing to be a college student.

*This reflection is inspired by the “Our Stories” project. You can visit the site and read the stories of other City Tech students. You are invited to comment on the stories they expressed.


  1. Jesus

    I first had to apply for financial aid in order to support myself in college. Then I chose the major for my college and that classes that best suit it. Finally I decided to visit the college campus to see what they have in store.

    • Aneeza Hussain

      That’s the way to do it Jesus! I hope you enjoy your classes and succeed in them as well!

  2. Noorshad Jahan

    Being a college student was tough when I first had to apply for class. Until they had majors that are interesting. Financial Aid was an obstacle for me when I had to apply for it.

    • Aneeza Hussain

      It is sure tough to transition to college but it isn’t impossible. I hope you overcome all your obstacles by getting the help that you need.

  3. Rosalina Lopez

    Preparing for college was very hard for me and I am still trying to get use to going back to after a long while, while working and being a mom. Having to choose what college I wanted to go to was difficult because I wasn’t sure which was the best for my major. Then apply for financial aid and and trying to get in a program that would help me with school was also a challenge for me. I felt like not much people wanted to help or take time to show you around especially with the pandemic is more difficult because its all online or over the phone, not in person which I find it better.

    • Aneeza Hussain

      Rosalina, it seems like you have a lot on your plate but I know you can do it and succeed in your goals. Also, there will be in-person tours on campus during the week of Jan24-28, if you can, try to go and ask as many questions as you like and get the help you need.

      • Rosalina Lopez

        Oh wow, thanks so much for letting me know. How do I get more infromation to go to campus on Jan24-28. I would love to go and see it in person and ask questions.

  4. Lauren

    Applying to College was quite a challenge for me, the apex of it was getting my transcript transferred from Ghana to Cuny and after that was done other minor difficulties hovering around. through it all i am grateful to get this far in my college preparation. Thanks to all who have been great help to my process, I appreciate you all.

    • Aneeza Hussain

      Lauren, I’m glad that you have overcome some of these difficulties. It’s not easy to transition to college but know that you are doing great!

  5. Hannah Collazo

    Preparing for college has been a challenge but applying for classes has been the easiest process. My first semester I had someone from the school help me and this semester I looked up degree requirements on the city tech website and picked my classes.

    • Aneeza Hussain

      That is the best way to do it, Hannah! Remember to see your departmental advisor to make sure you’re on the right track!

  6. Tray

    As i prepared to be a college student you feel a little worried that everything is gonna be extra stress and overwhelming however you actually just have to be a step ahead and not allow other things in life to distract you.

    • Aneeza Hussain

      When you are well prepared and do what you are supposed to do as a student things get a lot easier and less overwhelming. But if you are stressed due to the amount of workload you have on your plate then there are other ways to cope with it such as counseling.

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