Reflection #6 (August 15)

Think about a time when you joined a new group activity (maybe a team, religious retreat, club, or workplace). 

  • How did you feel when you first joined? 
  • Do you recall a moment when you felt like you were part of the group? 
  • What benefits did you get from participation in the group?
  • What can you do to help yourself feel like part of a group at City Tech? 


  1. Kye

    When i first joined a basketball team I was happy cause there was a place where i could fit in and do what i like. A moment when i felt like i was apart of the team was when we would practice and joke around. The benefits I got from being in the group was friend, and I got better skill wise and communication wise. I could join a club or find friends that have common interest as me.

    • Heavyn

      Thats cool because being in a team is not only fun but beneficial because you create a friendship. Hopefully you could find another club at City Tech with sports related stuff since we don’t have a Basketball team.

  2. AlanC

    I was part of my Highschool Robotics Class/Club. Aside from our classwork, we had to come in after-school to prepare for the eventual competition against other schools. Spending time with the other members and working on the design, writing code, printing 3D parts; you got used to the harmony. I learned quite a bit from my classmates, especially those who knew more. Joining a group here and following the example, trying to keep that goodwill along.

    • Heavyn

      I wish I joined my high school Robotics team because it seems fun and interesting. City tech actually has a Robotic club that you could join.

  3. Mahrukh Qamar

    In high school i was a part of muslim club the first time i went there i felt like everyone is United eve though they are from different country however it was the same religion which was good because it was something different which I haven’t seen before. In that club everyone shared their ideas, beliefs and we played games gained knowledge. In city tech I’ll try to make new friends/ classmates talk to them socialize.

    • Yusuf Shaikh

      الحمد لله

    • Heavyn

      Here at City tech, we have a muslim club that you could join again, but we have many more clubs that you could join especially based on your major.

  4. Alexisp11

    When I joined the basketball team at my high school, I felt nervous and anxious to be part of the team. I felt part of them because we had the same passion, which was basketball, and it united us in a unique way. The benefit I had from belonging to the team was that I was able to make friends and learn more about my favorite sport and improve as a person. Something I can do to feel part of City Tech is to make friends and get to know the facilities.

    • Christian Lozano

      A good way to get to know people is to just talk about them about a class and invite the class into a whatsapp group so that you guys can help each other out when you need to and you can get a lot of contacts that can help you by doing that regardless of whether you make many friends or not.

  5. Kayla N

    In my senior year of high school I was apart of a club called BHA (Black Heritage Alliance). When I first joined I felt welcomed by the other people that was in the group. The moment that I felt apart of the club is when we had our first event and everyone was just helping each other prepare for the event. The benefits that I got from participating in this club was being able to meet new people and experiencing new things. Something I can do to feel part of City Tech is be willing to make new friends and meet new people.

    • Christian Lozano

      There are similar organizations here at city tech so I’d reccomend checking out the student life and development center to see if you may want to join a similar organization to help you integrate into school life.

  6. John Campoverde

    When I joined PGC in my senior year of high school, I was able to help the freshmen adapt to the high school life and figure out how to navigate through the school. This was so meaningful to me because it allowed me to connect with the nervous new freshmen and help them come out of their shell. It also taught me to be a leader and know when a student needs help, which I would gladly like to continue doing as a Peer Mentor.

    • Christian Lozano

      Once you’re on track to complete the amount of credits needed to become a peer mentor check the website to see if you can apply for it. I’ve learned a lot of stuff about the school that I didn’t know because I became one and I’d highly recommend it because it’s good to tell new students about the resources available to them and talk about your experiences.

  7. Faris

    When I first joined my after school’s middle school soccer team I felt very proud but grateful. Whenever I played in the games and was communicating with my teammates I felt connected to them since we had good team chemistry. A benefit I received was forming strong bonds with my teammates that are still with us till this day. To feel more part of a group in City Tech I’d have to be more inclusive by participating in various events and joining clubs. To add on, I’d also have to take the initiative and make an effort to get to know other people.

    • Christian Lozano

      I don’t think there’s that many sports opportunities but that’s something you can push for if you’d like. And yes as someone who didn’t participate much in college life, don’t follow my example and get involved because the people you meet are the ones who will open the doors for opportunities you couldn’t even imagine.

  8. Phillip

    When I started my first job at a day care I was a little nervous and worried because it’s a new environment meeting new people and the responsibility of watching people’s kids is huge so eventually I started to feel more included when I made friends with my coworkers and also making a connection with the parents so they know they can trust me. I gained way more social skills from working this job because I had to talk so I just got use to talking out. I think I can implement this into a city tech because friends and having a connection with people I feel can really benefit you in the long run and that includes professors to

    • Christian Lozano

      Get to know as many people as you can and don’t be afraid to ask professors for recommendation letters, internship information, etc. Everyone here is trying to prepare for their careers and succeed so do whatever you need to do to get involved with more people because they can open the doors for you.

  9. Yusuf Shaikh

    Think about a time when you joined a new group activity (maybe a team, religious retreat, club, or workplace). 

    • How did you feel when you first joined? 
    • Do you recall a moment when you felt like you were part of the group? 
    • What benefits did you get from participation in the group?
    • What can you do to help yourself feel like part of a group at City Tech? 

    I remember the time I worked with other people. I felt welcomed. I remember giving advice to others and they accepting it, I felt part of the group. I gained benefits such as experience and connections. In order to help myself feel like a part a group at City Tech I shouldn’t shy away from making good friends.

    • Christian Lozano

      Regardless of how many friends you may or may not make, it’s good to get to know people. Who you know is much more important than what you know because people can give you opportunities that your skills and resume may not necessarily be able to while you’re still a college student.

  10. Mohamed

    I remember the time I joined National Honor Society . I felt welcomed. I remember helping and support others and they accepting it, I felt part of the group. I gained benefits such as experience and connections. In order to help myself feel like a part a group at City Tech.

    • Christian Lozano

      It’s a similar case here in college where joining groups allow you to gain friendships and connections that will help you develop your career. Make sure to start in your first year so you don’t keep putting it off until it’s too late.

  11. Omarie

    I had joined a computer science I’m hoping to join one at city tech

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