Developed by Professor Goodlad + Professor Paruolo

Reflection #1

What do you want your classmates to know about you? Consider sharing your goals as a college student, why you chose City Tech, what you hope to learn in your first semester at City Tech, or anything important to you.

Read other classmates’ posts and help welcome each other by writing a response.


  1. Kenie

    Hi, my name is Kenie. My major is still undecided. I wasn’t sure where to go and city is closer to my house so I came here. I hope to get comfortable by the end of the semester.

    • Salma Razak

      Hi Kenie,

      Hopefully, you’ll be able to discover which major you want to do.

  2. Israt Korno

    My name is Israt Korno. My major is Health Science/ AS. My goals as a student to pass my classes with good grades, finish my associate degree on time and purse my bachelorette degree at City Tech. I chose this college because it’s close to my home. Also City Tech has the major that I want to purse.I hope to learn something that is interesting and something that I haven’t learn before.

    • Kenie

      Seems like we were thinking the same thing. I mean by city tech being close to our house!!! Good luck to you.

    • Salma Razak

      That’s great! Health science can be tricky but I hope you get your degree!

  3. Kirill

    Actually there is no a lot information that I want or can share, because I’m kinda boring and usual person. Probably the most interesting thing about me is that I had some training in orientation by using map and compass. Although my goal almost the same, boring as a lying rock on the ground, I just want to gain a basics of programming and coding, beachwear I like subject from my childhood and dreamed to get job in that way. I didn’t know why I came to City Tech, but my grandmother told me that it’s good and I chose it. However I hope as much as I can at first semester because I hope to find a job that related to programming, and wish to work beside learning in a collage.

    • Salma Razak

      Who knows what City Tech has to offer. You will gain many opportunities to develop new hobbies.

      I disagree with the boring aspect. Everyone is very unique in their own ways. I think that’s cool you had training in maps and compasses. You’ll never get lost.

  4. Hira Latif

    Hi, My name is Hira Latif . This is my second semester in the college. In the first semester I was overwhelmed with how much work we required to do . Honestly first semester was Hectic. But it hopped this semester goes smoothly. I choose this class because I want to learn how I can use college resources . Because this all environment is new to me .

    • Salma Razak

      The first semester is usually hectic for many. But you’re back for the second semester! That shows you aren’t willing to quit! CT-101 offers alot of information especially how we can acclimate to college and do are best. I hope it goes smoothly for you as well!

  5. Sevinch

    I am a very open and social person, and always happy to help or have a chat. I chose City Tech because of a specific major, which is Business and Technology of Fashion. I felt like I will get what I want from this major which is basically deeper information in bussiness and fashion sphere.

    • Salma Razak

      Hey Sevich,

      Fashion is definitely your element! I saw the lavender outfit and it was so pretty! I hope you enjoy the major you picked!

  6. Khandoker Saadman Shihab

    What’s up everyone. The name’s Khandoker Saadman Shihab. I am a Freshman at Citytech. I am a CST major and have been living in New York for 5 months. I like playing video games, football, hanging out etc. Let me know if you are on campus, we could explore it. Have fun and take cares everyone.

    • Salma Razak

      Hey Khandoker,

      CST major is no joke at all! Its very complexed but you can definitely do it! How’s NYC?

      • Khandoker

        NYC has been nice, but very boring. Perhaps its the cold stagnating things but I guess I will find out soon enough. Thanks for the support and motivation.

  7. Kadija Diallo

    my name is kadija Diallo. I  don’t think I have anything interesting about me . My major is health science. My goal  is to pass all my classes and finish  all my health science classes that I am supposed to take then start my nursing classes. I chose city tech because it has the major that I am  going for and it was close to my house. I hope that this semester goes very smoothly.  I am hoping to learning new thing something interesting and very helpful throughout my lifetime 

    • Salma Razak

      Wow Kadija, nursing? I am also a nursing student. By far a very difficult major, I hope you get into the major and graduate with it.

  8. Precious Oduro

    Precious Oduro is my name, a brown skin African American with a sociable personality. My goals and aspirations as a college student is to meet all requirements and expectations of my professors, pass all my classes with good grades, improve on my skills and many more. I choose City Tech because it is one of the most recommended college’s of CUNY. Also, it’s numerous opportunities and advantages as any good college will have.I am ever ready to learn new things that would be taught and also any interesting hobbies will be my favorite.

    • Salma Razak

      You definitely do enjoy socializing from what I noticed. It’s a very good trait to have. You will be able to make new friends and important connections.

  9. Precious Oduro

    Precious Oduro is my name, a brown skin African American with a sociable personality. My goals and aspirations as a college student is to meet all requirements and expectations of my professors, pass all my classes with good grades, improve on my skills and many more. I choose City Tech because it is one of the most recommended college’s of CUNY. Also, it’s numerous opportunities and advantages as any good college will have.I am ever ready to learn new things that would be taught and also any interesting hobbies will be my favorite.

  10. Trish Huallpa

    Hello, my name is Trish Huallpa. My major is dental hygiene. One of my goals here is to get good grades with a good GPA. I mainly chose city tech since it had the major I wanted. I’m not really sure of my future goals but I hope to get am idea of what I should do in this workshop.

    • Salma Razak

      You said you aren’t sure about your future goals, but you listed them there. Good GPA, and getting into the DH program. Good luck!

  11. Nickayla Wiggan

    Hello, I am Nickayla Wiggan my major is Dental Hygiene, this is my first semester and by the end, I would love to know how to make college work for me and go smoothly as possible.

    • Salma Razak

      Good luck getting into the program! I can’t promise your first semester will be smooth but it’s definitely a big learning process!

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