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Leslie Fuller
October 26, 2016
Understanding Places and the City
This article is about Bernard Tschumi and his views about architecture. Tschumi is interested is building a project in his own image. He understands about space and people in a place. He is half Swiss and French. Bernard talks about the property which he refers to as the envelope. The envelope is being built so that people feel comfortable in their space. He is also interested in a theater type setting. Movement is very important when it comes to space. He wants people to understand about a place where they can go to enjoy themselves in that place. He also wants how people perform in certain place. The moving of bodies has to do with space and time. He sees people in a camera which shows their movements, without doing this you cannot what other have done in the past in a space. Architecture is a container where bodies and thing move back forth and people see it. With his architectural work he likes to interact with the bodies and space. Computer program is needed to do architecture program. The building has to look a certain way before a performance, such as where people should be placed. He is comparing writing and actually physically seeing how different people seeing how different the people are. Physically seeing you can get actual picture of what he is talking about. He want the building a specific look. He wants to make his own decision instead of using other people decisions. He is comparing Athens and Beijing in the way they create their buildings. The chinses wants their building to be brand new and Greeks wants to keep the ruins and renovate them Tschumi compares the envelope of the property different materials that the building are made of. He doesn’t need to depend on colleagues to do his work for him. He has his own vision of things the way should be built
Base Map
Haley Haley Assignment 11A
Treolinelearning place Assinment 2(3)
Cano_Andrea_Site Report II_ The Metropolitan Opera
Richards Ryan in class assignment 3
Richards Ryan Critical Perspective II
Lynch and Edensor had similarities and differences. One major similarity these two have is that the emphasize the theme of identity. Both edensor and Lynch also mention structure, which is the relationship between the object and the observer .
The biggest difference I noticed in the two articles was lynches idea of building the image. Building the image is when the space is altered and affected, where as edensor mentions how there was an unplanned bricolage of structures and designs that provided for a contrasting aesthetic context, unlike Lynch is denser was stressing the beauty of untouched land and basically natural city geography. The overall theme I got from Lynch was focusing on the observer in the observed. Whereas Edensor focuses mainly on the art of tourism and how it’s a performance
Compare and contrast
The two articles have some similarities, obvious and subtle, they also contrast in the same way. The ways that they do relate,is that they talk of people in both articles. The cities and performances within them both need, people to continue to exist. Without tourism, or curiosity neither would be as functional as they are. A way that they contrast is obvious. They rely on the different aesthetics within the field to work, one relying on the location itself, the other on the people.