The Love baby’s soft Comestics was first released in 1974. This ad is a young girl who could be around 8 or 9 years old holding a white teddy bear while pouting. While on the lower right, they show these four phallic-shaped bottles which it’s their products along with a small description about Love’s Baby Soft. This ad was used to promote their Love’s Baby Soft fragrance. Their target audience was towards women, especially older women.
The assignment:
Identify the linguistic message(s).
Identify the non-coded iconic messages.
Identify the coded iconic messages.
Identify the denotative and connotative aspects.
Explain if the signs are icons, indexes, or symbols.
Consider the cultural codes being conveyed in the advertisement.
Identify if polysemic signs, myths, or naturalization can be observed.
I don’t see that you identified any of these in your paper.