Design is the only universal way that we as designers can express the message we are trying to get across. communicate to people the information they need in the right way. It is also used to entertain and create cultural movements etc, and this is why it is so important that it is carefully carried out. Design should always be innovative and should be always evolving to adapt to the modern ways we are living in. The manifestos Ken Garland from 1964-2020 refer to similar ideas about using design to help the world be a better place and to further inform and create ways to communicate messages to the public. They also talk about how design should not be used for personal gain and is against the moral code of design. it should be to benefit the world not to gain profit from it by using the design capability to design harmful things for others for self-gain.

The manifesto that caught my attention the most was the 2020 one because it talks about the ways design has evolved and how it is affecting the field and what a big impact it is having on the world. We see how they talk about the way designers have been so wrapped up in this world of fast and speed design for commercial companies that we are forgetting the core values of what design should be. This is similar to one of the manifestos we read in class about how speed was the ultimate goal in order to become a new world. Because of this, we are harming the world and our society. The way we are designing is not being taken into consideration and this is dangerous for our future as a society and as a whole world.