Research Paper 1-SL

Research Essay Paper 1


The design that has caught my particular interest would be a painting, which was aptly named “Girl with Balloon”. This work was created by Banksy, an infamous street artist located in England. (Holzwarth). Banksy is actually an internationally recognized graffiti artist and has had his work sold to various celebrities for upwards of half a million dollars, for a single piece. Banksy is also no stranger to the geopolitical affairs of the world, as he made a statement through his works on the controversial West Bank barrier located in Israeli. ( Urbanist)….

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Childers

    I enjoyed reading this, do you think that Banksy is an Avant Garde artist?


    Be sure to follow the assignment:

    “a project completed in the past 40 years, with a definite form and scope.”

    Your research should explore the relationship between
    1: specific theories
    2: and the contemporary design that puts these theories into practice.

    You do not need to limit your research to a singular work, but it is not an examination of a designer’s full career.

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