Final Report Topic – NV

In the article “Underground Mainstream”, Stephen Heller Speaks about the commercial culture of design. Many markers steal ideas from visionaries in public products and even design propaganda. In the 60s every generation is changing by freedom of speech what was happening in the government also in the Vietnam war and many people had done sex, drugs, Rock ‘n’ Roll, happened that is called the Summer of Love. Many musicians and visual artists helped to define the culture’s distinct characteristics. “Psychedelic art a distinct vocabulary, influence by earlier graphic idioms”. This explains how designers have changed the world creating magnificent ideas of the youth culture and people were against it for the Christianity beliefs.

Culture jamming is a more effective design that can create a usual design of cultures. Some brands related to the barcode create designs of multiple lines and codes—the reason to develop barcodes is to identify what is what we see. For example, some codes had scanned one of the materials are clothes food other materials products. These are the intensifying the user, which is the barcode.

These are called when someone would steal it, nothing would let getaway that would face the consequences of punishment. That code represents a visual design of meaning is a person who is holding hands on the barcode showing that the person who’s in prison in life. If use that it’s not about stealing the material, it’s about the world we live for. In this world we living in is getting worse or is getting better we don’t know all we can see is the part code represents The man behind bars that we were living in technology and present.

We are free but our personal life is not in our privacy meaning that the big brother is watching us that also explains the book of George oh well explains the future in 1984 life of technologies just changes our lives are we living a good life or what technology is getting worse. The ideas of the graphic design present culture of youth and the design of propaganda. Designs were made by graphic designers who can create an impossible way how we see a vision.

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Childers

    did you you use spell check?
    You need to approve each of its changes because it can change Orwell, to something like this: George oh well explains

    Is this your reading report?

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