Research Paper 1 – NV

Nicholas Vlassis

My Research paper is The Parthenon is a resplendent marble temple built between 447 and 432 B.C. during the height of the ancient Greek Empire.  The Parthenon is a resplendent marble temple built between 447 and 432 B.C. during the height of the ancient Greek Empire. Dedicated to the Greek goddess Athena, the Parthenon sits high atop a compound of temples known as the Acropolis of Athens. Throughout the centuries, the Parthenon withstood earthquakes, fire, wars, explosions and looting yet remains, although battered, a powerful symbol of Ancient Greece and Athenian culture.

Research paper

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Childers

    I don’t have access and can’t make corrections or comments directly on your paper.
    Very interesting subject but the assignment is to:
    examine the ways in which the creator was responding, directly or indirectly, to theories related to linguistics or semiology, avant-garde art movements, or the psychological perception of forms (ie. any of the ideas that we’ve covered).
    Discuss the manner in which the design you’ve chosen embodies these theories. Provide direct references to relevant passages from our readings. Locate additional writings using library resources to substantiate your comparisons.

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