Reading Response 4B – EM

In Bauhaus’s text, we can see how he explained that the academy didn’t produce artists, that this only give false hopes to people. the techniques and methods they were applying weren’t giving the future artist enough practice or knowledge. I feel like this was one of the reasons why a lot of people wanted to modernize life once and for all back in the day. They didn’t really try to make an effort into making classes or workshops to teach accordingly what art really was. The academy build this system of failure so people would divert from wanting to be artists and lean towards the more futuristic ideas they had in mind. He, later on, explains the way we have to interpret work and this is by using our brain and hands, by touching and analyzing. This is very important because it is the only way to know how we connect with the work we do, we have to see it and try it to understand it.

In the other second and third readings, we explore how this new method called type photo was typed and images are combined together. This new technology reinvented the way we looked at typed and photography back in the day. these two play so a big role in the artistic world that without them we wouldn’t be where we are at today.  It is used to send messages across and it makes us understand and perceive things in very different ways and this is why typography is so strong.


1 Comment

  1. Prof. Childers

    Good work Emmanuel,
    Did you use Pro Writing Aid?
    “In Bauhaus’s text, we can see how he explained that the academy didn’t produce artists, that this only give false hopes to people. the techniques and ”
    “photography back in the day. these two play”
    “we looked at typed and photography”

    Instead about writing about individual readings, “In the other second and third readings” write your opinion and use the readings to support it.

    How did technology reinvent the way we look at type?

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