Monthly Archives: April 2018

HW#3 Walken Evans’ Subway Portraits

Walken Evan’s photographs are very interesting and difficult to do. When I read the part where Evan uses a hidden camera to secretly snap these portraits at public, I find it amazing. It’s because I don’t know how he can … Continue reading

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HW#3 Walker Evans Photograph’s

I believe the way Walker Evens photographed people that were unaware was great and different. It showed the riders actual facial expression and how they felt during the depression era. It was a different because they were candid photographs. I … Continue reading

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Subway Portraits

Whenever someone takes a photograph, they all have different reasons behind it. Walker Evans took photographs of people in the subway secretly with his hidden camera. I find it interesting how he had a secret button that he could just … Continue reading

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HW#3 Walker Evans Photo Response

The photographic style of Walker Evans’ portrait photographs of subway riders are some professional looking photos given the way the photos were taken. Respects to him for having the guts to “secretly” take photos of these people because if such … Continue reading

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HW#3: Walker Evans.

I think Evans had a really good approach when it came to taking his subway photos. I like the fact that he did it quietly and secretly because it makes for more realistic photos. They always say the best photos … Continue reading

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Freddie Feria: Walker Evans’ Subway Portraits

Walker Evan’s idea of taking a camera into a subway and take photos of people when they’re unaware is pretty smart. While it sounds creepy at first, he gets people true emotion of serious calm and peaceful. Their facial expressions … Continue reading

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What do you think of Evans’ clandestine approach to photography? I believe Evans actually did a fantastic job taking these photos because the angle of each photo taken. As we know he took them in a secretive way but it … Continue reading

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Homework #3: Walker Evans’ Subway Portraits

Walker Evans’ photographed people on the New York City subways between 1938-1941. He only published these photographs 25 years later in his book, Many Are Called, which was re-issued in 2004. Llisten to a radio interview of the book’s re-release and … Continue reading

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